Must-Have Time Management Skills [How to Improve them?]

Do you have too much work and not enough time in a day to accomplish it? Also, do you wonder how others manage everything and finish their work on time? The secret is effective time management. 

More than 80% of people don’t have a time management system, according to Zippia. 

Rather than allowing time to control you, better to control time and achieve day-to-day goals faster. When you know managing your time wisely, you can achieve your goals or complete tasks less easily. 

Excellent time management skills benefit every individual in their personal and professional life. In your personal life, they let you be less stressed, have leisure time, work on your hobbies, and help you maintain a work-life balance. In professional life, these skills help you become more efficient and productive at work and improve decision-making. 

This article will help you understand what time management skills are and how to improve them. 

What is Time Management?

It refers to planning and organizing tasks and allocating appropriate time to accomplish them. In other words, it implies wisely using the available time to attain maximum productivity and efficiency. It is all about getting things done better with less effort. 

Though it sounds simple, time management is quite challenging to put into practice. It entails prioritizing tasks, outlining a plan or strategy to accomplish them, and allocating adequate time for each task. Doing this will help you finish more important jobs first than anything else on your to-do list.  

Hence, you will focus on the things that matter most, working more smartly and improving your productivity. 

Why is it important? 

Time management is essential because it helps us utilize time wisely and efficiently without wasting it on unnecessary things. It allows us to become more productive, which, in turn, leads to profitability. 

Here are some reasons that state the importance of time management: 

1. Improved Productivity

Outlining a plan for your to-dos, prioritizing tasks, and allocating enough time for each task improves productivity and help you get better results. You can achieve your goals effectively by delivering quality work. 

2. Improved Decision-Making

Decision-making requires analyzing the problem thoroughly and understanding its nitty-gritty. When making decisions in a rush, there may be the possibility that individuals may overlook crucial aspects and make impulsive decisions, which may give negative outcomes. 

However, when you take enough time, you think deeply and evaluate the pros and cons and their effects before deciding. 

3. Reduced Stress

If you are a working professional, you might have experienced the stress of not meeting deadlines or getting overwhelmed by the workload at some point. This, in turn, leads to anxiety, physical health issues, and disturbed mental health. 

Time management skills help you manage your workload better, meet deadlines, and avoid last-minute hustles. 

4. More Opportunities

Getting things done on time, both in personal and professional life, allows you to spare and spend time on learning new skills or honing the existing ones. This can help you advance your career and grab more new opportunities.

7 Must-Have Time Management Skills 

1. Organization

OrganizationIt refers to breaking a large goal or objective into smaller, more manageable tasks. Completing small tasks seems much easier than one large goal. 

Understand your goal, divide it into several small jobs, and create a list of those jobs that will serve as a roadmap to achieving your objective. Determine which tasks must be done first and which are essential. 

After that, outline a well-thought-out plan for each day to accomplish those tasks. Working according to the created plan helps you become more productive and accomplish tasks on time. 

2. Prioritization

PrioritizationIt is the process of organizing tasks in order according to their importance or urgency. Prioritizing tasks helps you concentrate on the most effective and valuable activities. 

Initially, you must identify which tasks are time-sensitive, critical to achieving, and which must be delivered early. Organize these tasks at the top of the to-do list. It is better to categorize your tasks into different levels –

A-level Tasks: Organize tasks into this level that may lead to major consequences if not accomplished on time. 

B-level Tasks: Put tasks into this level that may have a less adverse effect if not done on time. 

C-level Tasks: Tasks that can be accomplished shortly and do not affect if not done today fall under this level. 

While prioritizing tasks, you must understand the difference between importance and urgency. 

  • Urgent Tasks: These tasks need your immediate attention. However, doing them may or may not matter much. 
  • Important Tasks: These tasks must be done at the earliest possible; otherwise, they may have adverse consequences. 

To categorize your tasks according to importance and urgency, the below priority matrix comes in handy: 

While using the priority matrix, determine the following: 

  1. Tasks that need to be done in a day or two. (Urgent tasks)
  2. Of the urgent tasks, pick out the important ones. 
  3. Among the non-urgent tasks, determine the important ones. 

Doing this helps you complete important as well as urgent tasks first. 

3. Goal Setting

Goal SettingIt refers to defining your goals and objectives and establishing a plan to achieve them. The goals should be SMART. 

  1. Specific: Goals should be specific with concise and clear results to be achieved.
  2. Measurable: You should be able to track progress while achieving your goals.
  3. Achievable: Goals should be achievable and realistic. 
  4. Relevant: They should be relevant to an organization or any specific purpose. 
  5. Time-bound: They should have clearly defined deadlines. 

Without proper goals, it is impossible to organize and prioritize your tasks. Ensure to set both long-term and short-term goals and create a plan accordingly. 

4. Planning

PlanningIt is a must-have time management skill. You require meticulous planning in organizing and prioritizing tasks to achieve pre-defined goals. It keeps you away from unnecessary stress and prevents chaos. Without proper planning, it isn’t easy to achieve anything. 

5. Communication

CommunicationExcellent communication is a must-have for every professional. You can convey your goals, tasks, and strategies to coworkers with good communication skills. Delegating tasks becomes easier and more effective, which, in turn, helps you accomplish the important ones as soon as possible. Also, communication helps resolve any conflicts and prevents conflicting scenarios. 

6. Delegation

DelegationIt is the process of assigning tasks to others, ensuring that multiple tasks are in process simultaneously. This way, you can achieve your goal on time without getting overloaded with work. By reducing the workload, you can focus more on other important tasks. 

However, you must understand your subordinates’ expertise and strengths during delegation and assign tasks accordingly. Also, it requires excellent communication and the ability to define objectives for each subordinate, allocate adequate resources, and track progress for a successful outcome. 

7. Stress Management

Stress ManagementUndoubtedly, you are stressed when you cannot accomplish your goal or tasks within the deadline. When you stress more, it affects your mental and physical health, which, in turn, affects your work. So, to be able to manage stress is one of the time management skills. 

To get stress-free, try the following activities: 

  • Exercise or yoga.
  • Relaxation techniques, like meditation and deep breathing. 
  • Set realistic and achievable goals.
  • Get adequate sleep. 
  • Maintain healthy habits. 

These stress-relieving activities help you concentrate on your work and improve your productivity. 

How to Improve Time Management Skills? 

1. Outline a Plan 

It is impossible to achieve goals to finish tasks on time without any detailed plan. So, the first step is to outline a detailed plan consisting of various tasks and their deadlines, task sequences, scheduling meetings at appropriate intervals, when to track the progress of tasks, and many other aspects. 

2. Divide Your Work into Small Tasks 

To achieve a big goal, divide it into smaller goals and fulfill each. When you have smaller goals, you get less stressed and become more productive, as you will work on each small goal at a time. 

3. Create a Priority List Rather than To-Do

Though your to-do list contains all your tasks, they are not in order according to their importance and urgency. As discussed earlier, identifying which tasks are necessary that may cause significant consequences if not done is essential. Using the priority matrix, prioritize and execute your important and urgent tasks accordingly. 

4. Be an Early Bird 

Start your work as early as possible in the morning, as your mind will be fresh, calm, and clear. This will help you be more productive. Take advantage of the morning time to complete your daily tasks soon. 

Also, don’t forget to boost your body with exercise, walking, or yoga. Regularly meditate in the morning to keep your mind calm and patient throughout the day. 

5. Delegate Tasks 

Delegating tasks among your subordinates or coworkers will help you achieve the goal faster. While you outsource small, achievable tasks to others, you can focus more on complex tasks, identifying all possible risks and proposing effective solutions in case of any issues. 

6. Set Boundaries for Yourself

Setting boundaries for yourself implies avoiding anything distracting you from your work. For instance, mobile phones and social media platforms are the biggest distractions while working. So, decide not to use your phone and scroll your social media handles. Maintain your entire focus on completing tasks with the utmost accuracy and quality. 

7. Avoid Multitasking

Multitasking refers to doing multiple things simultaneously. However, many studies have shown that multitasking significantly hampers productivity. Hence, rather than splitting your attention among multiple tasks, focusing on a single task and finishing it early is better. 

8. Use the 20-Minute Rule

Take a small, achievable task in hand and set the alarm for 20 minutes. Now, give your 100% effort and attention to the completion of the task for 20 minutes. Do it diligently until the alarm rings. Once the alarm rings, you can be relaxed for a few seconds and do the same until you finish the task. 

9. Take Breaks Regularly

Working for a long time without any breaks makes your mind feel exhausted, which, indeed, significantly hampers your productivity. Take short, frequent breaks to freshen up or boost your mind. These breaks help you to be more creative and productive. 


This was all about time management skills and the ways to improve them. These skills will help you be less stressed, more productive, happy, and satisfied professionally and personally. You will develop the ability to achieve goals within the deadlines without exerting too much effort. 

Put these skills into practice regularly and make the most of the available time! Start implementing them right now!

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Frequently Asked Questions

 1. Why is time management critical? 

Time management is crucial because it helps you make the most of your time and achieve your objectives without burning a lot yourself. It reduces stress, improves decision-making, helps you meet deadlines, and assists in maintaining your work-life balance. 

2. How can I improve my time management skills? 

Initially, set long-term and short-term goals and create a detailed plan accordingly. Divide your work into small jobs, prioritize them according to their importance and urgency, and delegate them to subordinates. Further, set realistic deadlines, avoid distractions, maintain healthy habits, and concentrate entirely on your work. 

3. What is the impact of time management? 

The impact of time management is improved productivity, reduced stress, less anxiety, meeting deadlines, and achieving goals. 

4. What does SMART stand for in time management? 

SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. 

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