Best Books for JEE Advanced: Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics

A book is the most vital study material with which students should be equipped. Books are a vital component of any student’s educational process. It is very tough for students to choose the finest study materials, particularly for key exams such as JEE Advanced 2025. As the competition is stiff, students need the finest study guides, books, practice exams, sample papers, and others to prepare themselves for their exams.

There are plenty of JEE Advanced 2025 books present nowadays, and all of them are the best. However, students must opt for books with the best examples, complete the JEE Advanced syllabus, have easy comprehension, and write simply. 

To prepare for the JEE Advanced exam, students need to know how to choose the right books, which will help them excel in the exam. Here in this post, we have enlisted the best books for JEE Advanced (subject-wise).

Did you know that only the top 250000 rankers in JEE Main Exam will be qualified to appear for the JEE Advanced?

So let us get started!

JEE Advanced 2025 Highlights

Here is a quick overview of the JEE Advanced exam 2025

Particulars Details
Name of Exam JEE Advanced 2025
Conducting Institute (IIT) IIT Kanpur
Exam Level National level
Mode of Examination Computer-Based Test (Online)
Exam Frequency Once a year
Number of Candidates Appearing for the Exam 180,200 candidates last year (2024)
Courses for which admission is offered through this exam B.Tech, BS, B.Arch, BS and MS Dual Degree, B.Tech and M.Tech Dual Degree, Integrated M.Sc., Integrated M.Tech
Total no. of Seats in IITs 17,740 (in 2024)
Registration Fees Female and SC/ST – Rs 1600
Other Categories – Rs 3200
Candidates from SAARC countries – USD 100
Candidates from Non-SAARC countries – USD 200
Duration of Examination Paper 1 – 3 hours (9 am to 12 pm)
Paper 2 – 3 hours (2.30 pm to 5.30 pm)
Medium of Examination English/Hindi
Number of Test Cities 229 in India and 3 cities outside India (in 2024)
Colleges accepting the exam score All IITs and many other Universities
Official JEE Advanced website 
Contact details JEE (Advanced) 2025
The Chairperson
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Kalyanpur, Kanpur – 208 016
Phone: 0512-259 0151

Best JEE Advanced Books [Subject-Wise]

Factors to Consider While Choosing JEE Advanced Books

Factors to consider while choosing the books for JEE Advanced

Before we get into the list of best JEE Advanced Books, here are some factors you need to consider while choosing the best book.

  • Choose the latest edition of the book covering all the topics mentioned in the JEE Advanced Syllabus.
  • Since many books are written by the same author but different publication houses, some books might be bogus. So check for the publisher’s name.
  • Avoid using too many books for the same subjects as it will confuse you and reduce your focus.
  • Buy a book that offers solved and unsolved problems for every concept and chapter. Additionally, the book you choose should also include solutions.
  • Every concept in the book should be explained in a detailed yet simple to understand manner.
  • The graphics should be attractive and detailed.
  • The book should also include some expert advice and synopsis at the end of each chapter.

Tip: Before you start using one of the JEE Advanced Books, it is recommended to complete the NCERT Class 11 and Class 12 textbooks.

Best Books for JEE Advanced Physics

Here are some of the best books for JEE Advanced physics

1. Concept of Physics Part-1 (2019-2020 Session) by H.C Verma

Concept of Physics Part-1 (2019-2020 Session) by H.C Verma

Author: HC Verma
Latest Edition: 1 January 2017 (1st Edition)
Publisher: Bharati Bhawan Publisher & Distributor

Concept of Physics Part 1 by HC Verma is an all-inclusive book that explains the ABC of physics. It is a must-read book for higher secondary students and candidates preparing for competitive exams.

This book compiles all the concepts of Physics. Moreover, the book also includes solved and unsolved problems, quickly preparing you to solve questions in the NEET exam.

It includes 22 chapters, and all the concepts are explained in detail. The author has also included easy-to-understand diagrams to help the readers to understand the concepts easily.

You can buy this book from here.



Author: Ie Irodov
Latest Edition: 25 February 2016 (6th Edition)
Publisher: Arihant Publications

The “Classic Text Series” continues to be the classic bestseller even today. These are the best elementary textbooks that help understand the physics concepts from scratch and offer the in-depth knowledge required to clear the JEE Advanced exam.

Problems in General Physics consist of over 1900 problems with hints for solving the toughest problems designed for students studying the advanced courses in Physics.

The book is divided into six parts and covers the Physical Fundamentals of Mechanics, Thermodynamics & Molecular Physics, Electrodynamics, Oscillations & waves, Optics, and Atomic & Nuclear Physics. All these parts are divided into several chapters.

Some features of this book include:

  • Each chapter starts with a quick summary of the important formulas in the chapter
  • At the end of the chapter, detailed notes are given on difficult concepts to understand
  • All the formulas are given in the SI system. However, Part 6 of the book follows the Gaussian system to solve the problems
  • At the end of the book, physical constants and tables are summarized along with the Periodic System of Elements and Table of Elementary Particles
  • It includes unsolved practice questions at the end of each chapter which will help you revise the chapter and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Solutions for these questions are given at the end of the book
  • Includes appendices that offer better explanations for the concepts

You can buy this book from here.

3. Halliday & Resnick Fundamentals of Physics

Halliday & Resnick Fundamentals of Physics

Author: Jearl Walker, David Halliday, Robert Resnick
Latest Edition: 25 March 2013
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc

The 10th Edition of Fundamentals of Physics is the better and updated version of the previous book. All the chapters have been organized to coordinate with the Concept Modules. The Learning Objectives section has been added.

The latest edition is more accurately detailed and includes a new set of assessment practical questions.

Moreover, the textbook offers multimedia representation for the students who find it difficult to understand certain concepts. This is one of the most popular books for JEE Advanced physics known for the clear, correct, and complete basics.

The book includes “Chapter Puzzlers.” This section opens each chapter with an interesting question answered or explained in the chapter. The author has also explained some problem-solving techniques that help students solve problems and avoid errors.

You can buy this book from here.

4. Science For Everyone: Aptitude Test Problem In Physics

Science For Everyone : Aptitude Test Problem In Physics

Author: S.S. Krotov
Latest Edition: 1 January 2016 (1st Edition)
Publisher: Arihant Publications

Aptitude Test Problem In Physics is written keeping in mind the requirements of the JEE Advanced aspirants. It has been designed based on the exam content after extensive research and analysis.

The author has adopted a new system of presenting Physics concepts that are easy to understand and makes JEE Advanced preparation effective. It focuses less on calculation and more on concepts.

This book is the best for anyone looking for a book for practicing tough questions. It is highly recommended for JEE Advanced aspirants and students appearing for the Physics Olympiads. After solving all the questions given in this book, you will become a master in Physics.

You can buy this book from here.

5. 43 Years Chapterwise Topicwise Solved Papers (2021-1979) IIT JEE Physics

43 Years Chapterwise Topicwise Solved Papers (2021-1979) IIT JEE Physics

Author: DC Pandey
Latest Edition: 20 November 2021 (9th Edition)
Publisher: Arihant Publications

IIT JEE Physics by DC Pandey is written under the observation of a subject expert. This book is a one-stop solution for students preparing for JEE Main and JEE Advanced.

It covers the entire syllabus and is divided into 33 chapters with Chapter Wise and topic-wise questions for JEE Main and JEE Advanced.

At the end of the book, you will find the Previous year’s question papers and selected questions from JEE Advanced 2021.

The chapters included in the book are:

  • General Physics
  • Kinematics
  • Laws of Motion,
  • Work, Power, and Energy,
  • Centre of Mass,
  • Rotation,
  • Gravitation,
  • Simple Harmonic Motion,
  • Properties of Matter,
  • Wave Motion,
  • Heat and Thermodynamics,
  • Optics,
  • Current Electricity,
  • Electrostatics,
  • Magnetics,
  • Electromagnetic Induction, and Alternating Current,
  • Modern Physics,
  • JEE Advanced Solved Paper 2021

You can buy this book from here.

JEE Advanced Physics Important Topics

Here is the chapter-wise weightage to help you understand the most important and least important topics.

Unit 1: Electrodynamics 23%
Unit 2: Heat & Thermodynamics 13%
Unit 3: Mechanics 25%
Unit 4: Modern Physics 19%
Unit 5: Optics 15%
Unit 6: SHM & Waves 5%

JEE Advanced Physics Preparation Tips

We have curated some effective JEE Advanced Preparation Tips which will help you score good marks in Physics:

  • Physics includes all the exciting concepts and laws. You need to start understanding them first.
  • Use diagrams and charts to explore the topics. It will help you remember the concepts visually.
  • Revise the formulas and derivations regularly.
  • Practice numerical questions every day.

Best Books for JEE Advanced Chemistry

Here in this section, we have listed the best books for JEE Advanced Chemistry 2022 in detail

1. Advanced Problems in Organic Chemistry for JEE – 15/e, 2021-22 Session

Advanced Problems in Organic Chemistry for JEE - 15 e, 2021-22 Session

Author: M.S. Chouhan
Latest Edition: 1 March 2021 (8th March)
Publisher: Shri Balaji Publication

Advanced Problems in Organic Chemistry for JEE 15th Edition offers a clearer problem-solving approach for the students.

It is the most recommended chemistry book that offers original and highly informative content. A learning chart summarizes all the concepts at the end of the book.

The book includes questions for both JEE Main and JEE Advanced. When you buy this chemistry book for JEE Advanced, you will also get a solution manual for free.

This book is for everyone who wants to learn Chemistry for JEE Advanced from scratch and score good marks in this subject.

You can buy this book from here.

2. Concise Inorganic Chemistry: Fifth Edition by J.D. Lee

Concise Inorganic Chemistry Fifth Edition by J.D. Lee

Author: J.D. Lee
Latest Edition: 1 February 2008 (5th Edition)
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee understands the pain of learning organic chemistry because it involves many elements and theoretical information.

It is the best book for students who want to learn Inorganic Chemistry from basic to advanced concepts.

It is not just a book that offers information. Instead, it is a guide that includes detailed reasoning and experiments. The language used in it is also very simple and easily understandable by everyone. Moreover, it answers all the questions candidates might have when preparing for JEE Advanced Chemistry.

The book is divided into 6 parts explaining the different concepts of chemistry, making it simple for the readers to answer questions section-wise. The author has paid extra attention to the different blocks of the periodic table.

You can buy this book from here.

3. Concepts Of Organic Chemistry For Jee

Grb Concepts Of Organic Chemistry For Jee (Examination 2020-2021)

Author: Himanshu Pandey, O.P. Tandon, and Dr. A.K. Virmani
Latest Edition: 1 January 2019
Publisher: G.R. Bathla & Sons

Concepts of Organic Chemistry for JEE is the best book for JEE aspirants who want to get into the best engineering program across India.

The book follows the latest JEE syllabus conducted by the IIT. This Chemistry book covers all the basic and advanced chemistry concepts. Reading it will help students to build a strong foundation in Chemistry.

Moreover, the book consists of JEE Advanced previous year’s question papers which help students analyze their strengths and weaknesses. If you are an IIT aspirant and preparing for JEE, this book is for you.

You can buy this book from here.

4. Atkins’ Physical Chemistry

Atkins' Physical Chemistry International Eleventh Edition

Author: Peter Atkins
Latest Edition: 1 July 2018 (11th Edition)
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Atkins’ Physical Chemistry is the best book for JEE Advanced Chemistry is the best textbook for studying Physical Chemistry.

This book has been carefully written with comprehensive information and provides effective guidance to help you master the subject.

It is written to match the needs of lecturers and students. The latest edition of this chemistry book includes checklists and more.

The author has written Atkins’ Physical Chemistry in the most simplified manner. The book is also divided into concepts, making it easy for students to understand, learn, and become experts.

You can buy this book from here.

5. A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry for JEE Main and Advanced

A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry for JEE Main and Advanced

Author: R.K. Gupta
Latest Edition: 1 January 2018 (10th Edition)
Publisher: Arihant Publications

A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry is a series of three bestselling books that provide various learning opportunities to all students.

Each book is logical, reliable, and self-explanatory for JEE aspirants. This book compiles efficient study material, which makes JEE preparation easy.

It has been divided into 20 chapters which maintain the flow of topics and explain every concept clearly and comprehensively.

The text contains illustrations, topic-wise practice questions, and master exercises in each chapter. Additionally, it includes a five years JEE Main and Advanced question paper.

After reading and solving this book, the students will better understand organic molecular structures and reactions.

You can buy this book from here.

JEE Advanced Chemistry Important Topics

Here is the chapter-wise weightage to help you understand the most important and least important topics.

Topics Total Marks
Organic Chemistry 45
Physical Chemistry 43
Inorganic Chemistry 36

JEE Advanced Chemistry Preparation Tips

Here are some effective JEE Advanced Preparation Tips which will help you score good marks in Chemistry.

  • Start learning all the Chemistry topics in detail.
  • Understand the concepts of various equations, reactions, and formulas.
  • Prepare short notes and summaries, making them easy to refer to before the exam.

Best Books for JEE Advanced Mathematics

In this section, we have enlisted some of the best books for JEE Advanced Mathematics.

1. Advanced Problems in Mathematics for JEE

Advanced Problems in Mathematics for JEE (Main & Advanced) - 7 e, 2021-22 Session

Author: Vikas Gupta & Pankaj Joshi
Latest Edition: 1 March 2021 (7th Edition)
Publisher: Shri Balaji Publication

The 7th edition of Advanced Problems in Mathematics is the best JEE Advanced maths book. This book is written keeping in mind the latest JEE Maths syllabus.

It is the most useful book for students who want to strengthen their conceptual knowledge and solve practical problems.

Since NCERT is the topmost preferred study material for all the students, all the chapters and problems given in this book are arranged in an order similar to NCERT books.

This book is the best option to learn calculus. Although the book does not include many advanced-level questions, it can be a great start for your math preparation.

You can buy this book from here.



Author: S L Loney
Latest Edition: 25 February 2016
Publisher: Arihant Publications

Plane Trigonometry Part 1 focuses on the various concepts of Plane Trigonometry. It is the best JEE Advanced book to learn Trigonometry.

The book is divided into 21 chapters. The beginning of the book includes comprehensive theory explanations of the concepts in a very simple to understand manner.

Each chapter ends with unsolved practice questions that help students analyze their strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, the book also includes miscellaneous examples and 5 figure logarithmic and trigonometric tables.

The book covers all the concepts of Plane Trigonometry and is undoubtedly the best and most complete elementary textbook for learning all the Trigonometry concepts.

You can buy this book from here.

3. The Elements of COORDINATE GEOMETRY Part-1 Cartesian Coordinates

The Elements of COORDINATE GEOMETRY Part-1 Cartesian Coordinates

Author: S L Loney
Latest Edition: 25 February 2016 (6th Edition)
Publisher: Arihant Publications

The Elements of Coordinate Geometry Part 1 Cartesian Coordinates explains the basic and advanced elements of Coordinate Geometry in the simplest format, making it the most recommended for beginners and junior students.

The book contains 1100+ examples of Cartesian and polar coordinates. It is divided into 17 chapters.

Each chapter in this book begins with an easy-to-read point-wise introduction to the concepts covered in the given chapter. Then it explains a few real-life examples, which helps understand the concepts better.

At the end of each chapter, there are unsolved practice questions that help the students analyze their weak points. The book also includes answers to the unsolved questions.

It is the best book if you are looking for a comprehensive book on Coordinate Geometry for JEE Advanced preparation.

You can buy this book from here.

4. Problems In Calculus Of One Variable


Author: I.A. Maron
Latest Edition: 25 February 2016 (6th Edition)
Publisher: Arihant Publications

Problems in Calculus of One Variable covers the comprehensive study on mathematical analysis. The main aim is to educate students about the active approach to mathematical exercises.

The book has been divided into eight chapters that cover all the concepts of Calculus.

Each chapter in this book begins with an easy-to-read point-wise introduction to the concepts covered in the given chapter. Then it explains a few real-life examples, which helps understand the concepts better.

At the end of each chapter, there are unsolved practice questions that help students analyze their weak points. The book also includes answers to the unsolved questions.

It is the best book if you are looking for a comprehensive book on Calculus of One Variable for JEE Advanced preparation.

You can buy this book from here.

5. Problems In MATHEMATICS with Hints and Solutions

Problems In MATHEMATICS with Hints and Solutions

Author: V. Govorov, P Dybov, N Miroshin, S Smirnova
Latest Edition: 25 February 2016 (6th Edition)
Publisher: Arihant Publications

Problems in Mathematics is one of the other best books for JEE Advanced Mathematics that consists of over 3000+ math problems and covers all the lessons taught in school.

The book is divided into four parts that cover Algebra, Trigonometry & Elementary Functions, Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis, Geometry & Vector Algebra, and Oral Examination Problems & Questions, each divided into various chapters.

Some of the features of this book include:

  • This study material includes complex numbers, combinatorics, binomial theorem, and much more.
  • Some of the difficult concepts have additional detailed explanatory tests.
  • All the problems have detailed solutions and hints, which helps the students to understand how to solve the problems.
  • At the end of each chapter, there are unsolved practice questions relating to the concepts mentioned in the book.
  • At the end of the fourth part, hints and solutions for all the practice questions are given at the end.

You can buy this book from here.

JEE Advanced Mathematics Important Topics

Here is the chapter-wise weightage that will help you understand the most important and least important topics.

Topics Marks Allotted
Calculus 38
Series, Complex numbers, Binomial Theorem, Fundamentals, Quadratic equation 21
Coordinate Geometry 18
Permutation-Combination, Probability 12
Vector and 3D 11
Trigonometry 10

JEE Advanced Mathematics Preparation Tips

Here are some effective JEE Advanced Preparation Tips that will help you score good marks in Mathematics.

  • Practice all the mathematical problems regularly.
  • Note down all the important formulas in a notebook and revise regularly.
  • Learn how to manage time and solve problems quickly.


JEE Advanced is the toughest engineering entrance examination that helps students get into IITs. It is conducted for the candidates who have cleared JEE Main. According to the statistics, 250,000 JEE Main rankers can apply for the JEE Advanced examination.

If you want to score good marks and get into the best IIT, then you need to prepare effortlessly and effectively for the examination. One of the best ways to prepare for the JEE Advanced is to choose the right study material.

Note: It is always advisable to complete the NCERT class 11 and 12 textbooks before going ahead with the JEE Advanced books. You need to know that, NCERT books cover the entire JEE Advanced syllabus and almost all the questions asked in the examination are from them. However, you can also use these study materials as an add-on to solve extra questions when you are trying to understand a concept better.

Here in this post, we mentioned some of the factors to consider before buying a JEE Advanced Book and subject-wise best books for JEE Advanced.

All the best for your exams!

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