Best JEEP Books: Exam Pattern, Syllabus & Books

What is the JEEP Exam? Joint Engineering Examination Polytechnic (JEEP) is a state-level entrance exam conducted by the Uttarakhand Board of Technical Education. The main aim of this exam is to provide admission into various diploma courses in Engineering, Pharmacy, Hotel Management, and technology.

Admission into Diploma in Engineering/ Technology (E), Diploma in Pharmacy (P), Diploma in Engineering – Lateral Entry (A) & Modern Office Management & Secretarial Practice (M) courses will be provided based on JEEP Results. Admission to Diploma in Hotel Management & Catering Technology (H), PG Diploma in Computer Application (G), and Diploma in Textile Designing/ Garments Technology/ Fashion Designing (T) will be provided directly based on 10th/ 12th level merit scores.

JEEP Exam Pattern 2025

Let us discuss the JEEP exam pattern followed by the authorities to conduct the exam.

JEEP Exam Pattern for Diploma in Engineering/Technology

Subject No. of Questions Total Duration
Mathematics 50 2 hrs
Science ( Physics & Chemistry) 50
Total 100

JEEP Exam Pattern for Diploma in Pharmacy

Subject No. of Questions Total Duration
Physics, Chemistry 50 2 hrs
Biology / Maths 50
Total 100

JEEP Exam Pattern for Modern Office Management & Secretarial Practice

Subject No. of Questions Total Duration
English and Hindi Comprehension 30 2 hrs
Reasoning and Intelligence 35
Numerical Ability 10
General Awareness 25
Total 100

JEEP Exam Pattern for Diploma in Engineering (LE)

Subject No. of Questions Total Duration
Mathematics 40 2 hrs
Physics 20
Chemistry 20
General Engineering 20
Total 100

Best JEEP Books For Engineering/Technology (Group E)

Applicants are required to answer 100 questions for the Engineering/ Technology JEEP exam. Below is the complete list of Syllabus, Topic weightage and the best books one requires for the examination.

Syllabus for Diploma in Engineering/ Technology (Group E)

The syllabus for Diploma and engineering consists of the following subjects.

Maths Science ( Physics + Chemistry)
Real Numbers Polynomials Chemical Reactions and Equations Acids, Bases, and Salts
Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables Quadratic Equations Metals and Non-metals Carbon and its Compounds
Arithmetic Progressions Triangles Periodic Classification of Elements Light Reflection and Refraction
Coordinate Geometry Introduction to Trigonometry Magnetic Effects of Electric Current Electricity
Applications of Trigonometry Circle Our Environment Sources of Energy
Constructions Areas related to Circles Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
Surface Areas and Volumes Statistics

Topic-wise Weightage

TOPIC Easy Moderate Difficult Low Weightage High Weightage
Real Numbers
Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
Arithmetic Progressions
Coordinate Geometry
Applications of Trigonometry
Surface Areas and Volumes
Quadratic Equations
Introduction to Trigonometry
Areas related to Circles
Chemical Reactions and Equations
Metals and Non-metals
Periodic Classification of Elements
Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
Our Environment
Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
Acids, Bases, and Salts
Carbon and its Compounds
Light Reflection and Refraction
Sources of Energy

Best JEEP Books for Diploma in Engineering/ Technology (Group E)

Book Name Author/Publisher Price Buy Now
NCERT Maths NCERT ₹ 130 Buy Now
NCERT Science Arihant ₹ 210 Buy Now
Arihant Uttarakhand Polytechnics Arihant ₹ 390 Buy Now
Concise Mathematics RK Bansal ₹ 456 Buy Now

Best JEEP Books For Diploma in Pharmacy (Group P)

The candidates for DIploma and Pharmacy JEEP exam have to answer 100 questions from Physics and Science. Let us share with you in detail, the syllabus, topic-wise weightage, and the best books you will require to clear the examination.

Syllabus for Diploma in Pharmacy (Group P)

Maths Science ( Physics + Chemistry + Biology)
Real Numbers Polynomials Chemical Reactions and Equations Acids, Bases, and Salts
Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables Quadratic Equations Metals and Non-metals Carbon and its Compounds
Arithmetic Progressions Triangles Periodic Classification of Elements Life Processes
Coordinate Geometry Introduction to Trigonometry Control and Coordination How do Organisms Reproduce?
Applications of Trigonometry Circle Heredity and Evolution Light Reflection and Refraction
Constructions Areas related to Circles The Human Eye and The Colorful World Electricity
Surface Areas and Volumes Statistics Magnetic Effects of Electric Current Sources of Energy
Probability Our Environment Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

Topic-wise Weightage

TOPIC Easy Moderate Difficult Low Weightage High Weightage
Real Numbers
Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
Arithmetic Progressions
Coordinate Geometry
Applications of Trigonometry
Surface Areas and Volumes
Quadratic Equations
Introduction to Trigonometry
Areas related to Circles
Chemical Reactions and Equations
Metals and Non-metals
Periodic Classification of Elements
Control and Coordination
Heredity and Evolution
The Human Eye and The Colorful World
Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
Our Environment
Acids, Bases, and Salts
Carbon and its Compounds
Life Processes
How do Organisms Reproduce?
Light Reflection and Refraction
Sources of Energy
Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

Best JEEP Books for Diploma in Pharmacy (Group P)

Book Name Author/Publisher Price Buy Now
NCERT Maths NCERT ₹ 130 Buy Now
NCERT Science Arihant ₹ 210 Buy Now
Consice Biology HS Vishgnoi ₹ 335 Buy Now
Arihant Uttarakhand Polytechnics Arihant ₹ 390 Buy Now
Concise Mathematics RK Bansal ₹ 456 Buy Now

Best JEEP Books For Modern Office Management & Secretarial Practice (Group M)

Applicants are required to answer 100 MCQs in the Modern Office Management & Secretarial Practice (Group M) JEEP exam. Here is the complete JEEP syllabus, books, and Important topics to look out for.

Syllabus for Modern Office Management & Secretarial Practice (Group M)

This section of the examination will consist of various topics from English & Hindi Comprehension, Reasoning & Intelligence, Numerical Ability, and General Awareness. All the sections will be mandatory.

Reasoning and Intelligence Odd man out Analogy Syllogism
Coding-Decoding Blood Relation Alphabet Test
Blood Relation Series Test Ranking and Time
Causes and Effects Direction Test Sitting Arrangements
Decision Making Statement and Assumption Figure Series
Numerical Ability Number System HCF and LCM Profit and Loss
Decimal Fractions Simple Interest Compound Interest
Time and Work Time and Distance Average
Age Problems Simplification Partnership
Percentage Ratio and Proportion Data Interpretation
English and Hindi Comprehension
General Awareness India and International Current Affairs Agriculture Sports
Countries and Currencies National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries Culture
Fiscal Policies Budget
Government schemes Government policies

Topic-wise Weightage

TOPIC Easy Moderate Difficult Low Weightage High Weightage
Odd man out
Blood Relation
Causes and Effects
Decision Making
Blood Relation
Series Test
Direction Test
Statement and Assumption
Alphabet Test
Ranking and Time
Sitting Arrangements
Figure Series
Number System
Decimal Fractions
Time and Work
Age Problems
Simple Interest
Time and Distance
Ratio and Proportion
Profit and Loss
Compound Interest
Data Interpretation
English and Hindi Comprehension
India and International Current Affairs
Countries and Currencies
Fiscal Policies
Government schemes
National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries
Government policies

Best JEEP Books for Modern Office Management & Secretarial Practice (Group M)

Reasoning Books Author/Publisher Price Buy Now
A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-verbal reasoning RS Agarwal ₹ 552 Buy Now
Logical and Analytical Reasoning AK Gupta ₹ 138 Buy Now
Analytical Reasoning MK Pandey ₹ 208 Buy Now
Numerical Ability Books Author/Publisher Price Buy Now
Ace Quantitative Aptitude ADDA Publications ₹204 Buy Now
Quantitative Aptitude for competitive exam RS Agarwal ₹425 Buy Now
Shortcuts in Quantitative Aptitude with 4 eBooks for Competitive Exams Disha Experts ₹243 Buy Now
English and Hindi Comprehension Books Author/Publisher Price Buy Now
Objective English for Competitive Examination Hari Mohan Prasad ₹ 500 Buy Now
Objective General English RS Agarwal ₹ 440 Buy Now
Arihant General Hindi Arihant ₹ 91 Buy Now
Samanya Hindi Onkaar Nath Verma ₹ 131 Buy Now
General Awareness Books Author/Publisher Price Buy Now
Manorama Yearbook Malayala Manorama ₹ 282 Buy Now
Lucent’s General Knowledge Lucent Publication ₹ 216 Buy Now
Arihant’s General Knowledge Arihant ₹ 137 Buy Now

Best JEEP Books For Diploma in Engineering (LE)

The candidates for Diploma in Engineering (LE) JEEP exam have to answer 100 MCQ’s. Let us guide you with the brief syllabus, topic weightage and important books for your guidance.

Syllabus for Diploma in Engineering-LE (Group A)

The syllabus will consist of the following topics.

Maths Physics Chemistry General Engineering
Binomial Theorem Gravitation Redox Reactions Basic Electrical Emgineering
Sequence and Series Properties of Bulk Matter Hydrogen Basic Mechanical Engineering
Conic Section Work, Energy & Power S-Block Elements Basic CIvil Engineering
Introduction to Three-Dimensional Geometry Motion of System of particles & Rigid Body Some p-Block Elements Basic Electronics Engineering
Principle of Mathematical Induction Practical Oriented questions Organic Chemistry: some basic Principles and Techniques
Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations Thermodynamics Hydrocarbons
Linear Inequalities Behavior of Perfect Gas & Kinetic Theory of gases Environmental Chemistry
Permutations and Combinations Oscillations & Waves Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Straight Lines Physical World & Measurement Structure of Atom
Limits and Derivatives Kinematics Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
Matrices Laws of Motion Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
Determinants States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
Continuity and Differentiability Thermodynamics
Applications of Derivatives Equilibrium
Integrals Practical Oriented Questions
Applications of the Integrals
Differential Equations
Three Dimensional Geometry
Relations and Functions
Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Topic-wise Weightage

TOPIC Easy Moderate Difficult Low Weightage High Weightage
Binomial Theorem
Sequence and Series
Conic Section
Introduction to Three-Dimensional Geometry
Principle of Mathematical Induction
Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations
Linear Inequalities
Permutations and Combinations
Straight Lines
Limits and Derivatives
Continuity and Differentiability
Applications of Derivatives
Applications of the Integrals
Differential Equations
Three Dimensional Geometry
Relations and Functions
Properties of Bulk Matter
Work, Energy & Power
Motion of System of particles & Rigid Body
Practical Oriented questions
Behavior of Perfect Gas & Kinetic Theory of gases
Oscillations & Waves
Physical World & Measurement
Laws of Motion
Redox Reactions
S-Block Elements
Some p-Block Elements
Organic Chemistry: some basic Principles and Techniques
Environmental Chemistry
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Structure of Atom
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
Basic Electrical Engineering
Basic Mechanical Engineering
Basic Civil Engineering
Basic Electronics Engineering

Best JEEP Books for Diploma in Engineering-LE (Group A)

Book Name Author/Publisher Price Buy Now
NCERT Maths 12th Part 1 & 2 NCERT ₹ 300 Buy Now
NCERT Physics 12th PArt 1 & 2 NCERT ₹ 282 Buy Now
NCERT Chemistry 12th PArt 1 & 2 NCERT ₹ 325 Buy Now
Arihant Uttarakhand Polytechnics Arihant ₹ 390 Buy Now
Basic Mechanical Engineering Pravin Kumar ₹ 469 Buy Now
Basic Electrical Engineering Rohit Mehta ₹ 574 Buy Now

JEEP Preparation Tips 2025

Candidates can use preparation tips for JEEP 2025 to improve their grades and raise their chances of being accepted into their selected courses.

  1. Candidates should design a schedule for the examination while keeping in mind their strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Throughout the preparation time, candidates should maintain good health and avoid any fast eating or changes that could result in illness.
  3. Every applicant should strike a balance between their studies and sports/exercise, as this will keep their minds fresh and improve their focus.
  4. Along with the aforementioned advice, applicants should be aware of the most up-to-date information on all examination-related activities, which they can obtain by visiting our website.
  5. Work on improving the weak areas.
  6. Many students make the mistake of devoting more time to tough topics while ignoring the easy ones. The easy topics are easy only if the students are regularly in touch with them and keep brushing whatever they have studied.
  7. Solving practice papers and previous years’ question papers is the best way to judge your preparation and make the best strategies.


Candidates can easily score well in the JEEP paper if they follow the proper guidelines and use some efficient methods. We hope the list of best JEEP Books we have created for you to prepare is sufficient for you.

The JEEP Exam will be a cakewalk for you if you have the correct amount of knowledge, devotion, and attention. Please let us know if any of your favorite books that you prepared from our list are missing.

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