Covariance Vs. Correlation [Head-To-Head Comparison]

In statistics, covariance and correlation are 2 mathematical concepts. Both phrases are used to illustrate the relationship between two elements. The covariance of 2 parameters is a measurement of how they change together. In probability theory and statistics, the terms covariance and correlation are quite similar. Both words refer to how much a stochastic process or a group of unknown parameters might depart from its expected value. How do correlation vs covariance differ from each other? Let’s take a look at each of these terms one by one.

Difference Between Covariance and Correlation

What is Covariance?

Covariance is an expansion of the idea of variance that quantifies how 2 variables change in relation to one another. It can have any value between -∞ to +∞.

  • The greater this number, the more reliant the connection is. Positive covariance indicates a direct relationship and is represented by a positive value. This basically suggests that if one variable is increased, the other variable will similarly increase, assuming all other parameters stay unchanged.
  • A negative value, on the other hand, represents negative covariance, which indicates an inverse link between the 2 variables. While covariance is ideal for characterizing the sort of relation, it is ineffective for assessing its size.

Types of Covariance

Covariance can be either positive or negative. Positive and negative covariance are the two basic forms, depending on the various values.

  • Positive Covariance- Both variables (X, Y) advance in the identical direction when covariance is positive. When the values of 1 variable(X) appear to correlate with the readings of some other variable(Y), the variables have positive covariance. This reveals information regarding the two variables’ linear association. There is positive covariance between both the 2 if, for example, an increase in a man’s height coincides to a rise in a man’s weight.
  • Negative Covariance- Both variables (X, Y) change direction when covariance is negative. Negative covariance is defined as when the higher values of one variable (X) correlate to fewer levels of another variable (Y) and conversely.

Applications of Covariance

The applications of Covariance can be explained as follows

  1. In Genetics and Molecular Biology, covariance is used to quantify specific DNAs.
  2. In financial markets, covariance is used to forecast the proportion of money to be invested in various assets.
  3. Covariance is a popular method for combining data from astrophysical and oceanic studies to reach final results.
  4. We could use a covariance matrix in stats to assess a data collection with possible consequences of the primary component.
  5. It’s also utilized to investigate signals of various types.

What is Correlation?

Correlation, unlike covariance, measures the connection between two stochastic variables. Simply said, it is a basic measurement of how these variables fluctuate in relation to one another.

  • Unlike covariance, the correlation has an upper and bottom bound on a range. It only accepts numbers within +1 and -1. A correlation of +1 suggests a strong association between two random variables.
  • The correlation of -1, on the other side, implies a strong negative link, and an increase in the variable will result in an inverse and equivalent drop in the other factor. The value 0 indicates that the two integers are unrelated.

Types of Correlation

Positive, negative, and no correlation are the three forms of correlation based on different values. Let’s look into these right now.

  • Positive correlation- When two variables are proportional directly to one another, they have a positive correlation. This means, that if one variable’s quantity goes up, the quantity of the other variable would rise as well. The number of a perfect +ve correlation is 1.
  • Negative correlation- The number of a perfect -ve correlation is -1, meaning that as the number of one variable rise, the number of the other variable falls and vice versa.
  • No correlation- There is no association if the number is “0.” It denotes there’s no relation between the 2 variables, implying that a rise or reduction in one variable has no bearing on another.

Applications of Correlation

The application of correlation can be highlighted as follows.

  1. Helps in calculating consumer time vs. revenue spent online on e-commerce websites.
  2. It helps in the comparison of weather forecasting records from past years to the present year.
  3. Pattern recognition is widely utilized.
  4. The effect of rising summer temperatures on water consumption among family members is investigated.
  5. The population-poverty link is calculated.

Covariance vs Correlation: Head to Head Comparison

Both the Covariance and Correlation measurements look at two variables across the entire domain, not just one. For easy comparison, the distinctions between them are summarised in a table. Let’s look at the difference between covariance and correlation.

Basis Covariance Correlation
Meaning Covariance is a measure of how reliant 2 random variables are on one another. A larger number indicates greater reliance. If all other factors remain constant, correlation tells how closely these two variables are connected. A perfect dependant connection is represented by the maximum value of +1.
Relationship Covariance can be used to calculate the correlation. On a standard basis, correlation offers a measurement of covariance. Divide the estimated covariance by the standard deviation to get it.
Values The range of covariance values is between -∞ and +∞. Correlation is restricted to values in the -1 to +1 range.
Scalability Changes in scales have an impact on covariance. Changes in scale or multiplication by a constant have no effect on correlation.
Units Multiplying two integers and their units yields a definite unit for covariance. Correlation is a unitless relative quantity with decimal numbers between -1 and +1.


Covariance vs correlation is strongly related but has significant differences. The form of communication is defined by covariance, whereas the kind and intensity of the link are defined by correlation. Correlation is often referred to as a specific case of covariance because of this. If forced to pick between the two, most statisticians favor correlation since it is unaffected by changes in dimensions, area, or size.

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