Difference Between Hope and Dream

We generally use the terms dream and hope when discussing our desires or aims. A dream is usually an ambition that you cherish or imagine. Hope is a desire or expectation of a specific thing to take place.

People make a physical effort to fulfill a dream. On the other hand, there is no involvement or physical intervention when you are hoping for something.

Difference Between Hope and Dream

Let’s understand both these terms in detail!

What is Dream?

There are tons of definitions associated with the word, Dream. It usually refers to the images, or thoughts that you see while in your sleep. It can also be understood as an idea developed by your imagination, or an ambition, aspiration, or ideal.

In simple words, a dream is something that you have long wished to do or possess. You can also analyze it as a combination of wishing and hoping.

In addition, consider these two cases.

  • A student wishes to crack a competitive examination with flying colors. He would work hard for the same and try to achieve his goal. But, if he doesn’t, the dream won’t get fulfilled at all
  • On the other hand, at times we know that a particular dream won’t come true and we are happy to limit it with our fantasies and visions

Here are a few examples for a better understanding of its usage.

  • It was his dream to ace that exam
  • She had visited Paris a few years ago
  • He always dreamt of being a President
  • I had a horrible dream last night
  • One shall never give up on their dreams

As you can see, the word dream has multiple usages in different situations.

What is Hope?

Generally, hope is a feeling of expectation about a particular event or thing to take place. Moreover, it’s when we really want something to happen and keep thinking about it. Hence, we pray or wish for it to happen in real life.

The driving force here is your belief. No guarantee hopes come true but it gives you optimism in life. It is a way to strengthen your inner self and expect the best, even at your worst times. Hoping for better times is a way of boosting yourself in times of adversity. That’s why they say, never lose hope!

Here are some sentences showcasing its usage:

  • I hope to see you soon
  • We hope that you crack this examination
  • She hoped for her win in a competition
  • He was continually hoping for her mother’s successful business
  • I hope the world is void of any violence

These were some examples to showcase the usage of the word hope.

Key Differences Between Dream and Hope

Dream Hope
Meaning Cherished ambition or idea of imagination Feeling of expectation
Usage We put in our best efforts to make our dreams come true We do not invest efforts to make hope come true. Rather, it can be understood as a belief

As it is evident, there is a very minimal difference between the two terms.


Dreams are like big wishes or goals for the future. They are things we want to happen, like becoming a famous singer or traveling worldwide. And to make those dreams come true, we must work hard and put in much effort.

On the other hand, hope is more like a feeling we have inside us. It’s when we want something good to happen, but we don’t necessarily have control over it. We might hope for good health or happiness for our loved ones.

The main difference is that with dreams, we actively work towards making them happen, while with hope, we just believe that good things will come our way, even if we don’t do anything specific to make them happen. Both are important in life, as dreams give us goals to aim for, and hope keeps us positive and looking forward to the future.

There will always be a lot of ups and downs in life. But both dream and hope help you tackle the hardships with utmost bravery.

Hence, keep dreaming, and never lose hope!

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