RRB NTPC is one of the most famous railway exams conducted to recruit candidates for the post of non-technical popular category posts. Those who want to clear the exam must know the RRB NTPC syllabus. Knowing the syllabus is very important for the candidates who are preparing for the exam. Here in this post, we have explained the complete exam syllabus in detail.
RRB NTPC is conducted for the post of Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, Junior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Time Keeper, Trains Clerk, Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Traffic Assistant, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Goods Guard, Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Senior Time Keeper, Commercial Apprentice and Station Master in various Zonal Railways and Production Units of Indian Railways.
The exam syllabus provides a list of all the important topics for each subject. The CBT 1 & 2 syllabus is divided into three sections:
- General Intelligence & reasoning
- Mathematics
- General Awareness
RRB NTPC Syllabus 2025
The exam syllabus is released by the Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) and is the same for CBT 1 and CBT 2. However, the difficulty level of the paper varies. Topics for the exam are formulated depending on the nature of job profiles. The difficulty level is based on Class 10, 12, and graduation levels.
RRB NTPC CBT 1 Syllabus 2025
The CBT 1 syllabus includes topics from General Awareness, Maths, General Intelligence & Reasoning. Here is the section-wise RRB NTPC CBT 1 syllabus 2025.
RRB NTPC Syllabus for Mathematics
This section includes 30 questions and assesses the calculative skills of the candidates.
Number system | Decimals |
Fractions | LCM, HCF |
Ration and Proportions | Percentage |
Mensuration | Time and Work |
Time and Distance | Simple and Compound Interest |
Profit and Loss | Elementary Algebra |
Geometry and Trigonometry | Elementary Statistics |
RRB NTPC syllabus for General Intelligence and Reasoning
The main aim of this section is to test the logical reasoning of the candidates. The question includes 30 questions from this section. In addition, the topics included in this section are:
Analogies | Completion of numbers and alphabetical series |
Coding and Decoding | Mathematical Operations |
Similarities and Differences | Relationships |
Analytical Reasoning | Syllogism |
Jumbling | Venn Diagrams |
Puzzle | Data Sufficiency |
Statement-Conclusion | Statement- Courses of Action |
Decision Making | Maps, Interpretation of Graphs |
Alphanumeric Series | – |
RRB NTPC syllabus for General Awareness
The main aim of this section is to analyze the candidate’s knowledge on current affairs. A total of 40 questions are asked from this section in CBT 1 exam. The topics include:
Common Abbreviations | Games and Sports |
Art and Culture of India | Indian Literature |
Monuments and Places of India | General Science and Life Science (up to 10th CBSE) General Science and Life Science (up to 10th CBSE) |
History of India and Freedom Struggle | Physical, Social and Economic Geography of India and World |
Indian Polity and Governance- constitution and political system | General Scientific and Technological Developments including Space and Nuclear Program of India |
UN and Other important World Organizations | Environmental Issues Concerning India and World at Large |
Basics of Computers and Computer Applications | Current Events of National and International Importance |
Transport Systems in India | Indian Economy |
Famous Personalities of India and World | Flagship Government Programs |
Flora and Fauna of India | Important Government and Public Sector Organizations of India, etc |
RRB NTPC CBT 2 Syllabus 2025
The topics in CBT 2 are similar to CBT 1. However, the CBT 2 syllabus is more vast and comprehensive when compared to CBT 1. The weightage given to the subjects in NTPC CBT 2 syllabus is more than CBT 1. Here is the complete RRB NTPC CBT 2 syllabus.
RRB NTPC CBT 2 Syllabus for Mathematics
RRB NTPC Mains Syllabus for Mathematics includes topics from BODMAS, Fraction, Problems on Average, Statistics, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Basic Linear Equations with two and three variables, Elementary Algebra, and more. A total of 35 questions are asked in this section.
BODMAS Rule | Fractions | Approximate Value |
Surds & Indices | Problems on Simple Interest | Problems on Compound Interest |
Installments | Calculation on Basic Percentage Problems | Problems on Simple Ratios |
Problems on Compound Ratio | Direct/Indirect Proportions | Problems on Average |
Problems on Relative Speeds | Problems on Boats, Train, etc. | Basic Linear Equation in One variable |
Basic Linear Equation in two variable | Problems on Profit/Loss | Dishonest/Successive Dealings |
Partnerships | Finding Missing/Wrong Term | Problems on Plane Figures: Square, Rectangle, Circle, etc. |
Problems on Work Efficiency | Problems on Wages | Problems on Pipes |
Make a mixture from two or more entries/mixtures | Decimals | Trigonometry |
RRB NTPC Mains Syllabus for General Intelligence and Reasoning
This section has a total of 35 questions. The topics included in this section include Classification, Analogy, Series, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relations, Non-Verbal Reasoning, Directions & Distances, Ordering & Ranking, Puzzles, Venn Diagram, Missing numbers, etc.
Classification | Ordering & Ranking |
Analogy | Directions & Distances |
Word Formation | Non-Verbal Reasoning |
Coding-Decoding | Others |
Blood Relations | Clock & Calendar |
RRB NTPC Mains Syllabus 2025 for General Awareness
A total of 50 questions are asked in this section. Maximum weightage is given to this section in CBT 2 exam. The topics included in this section are Current Affairs/General Awareness and General Science.
Sections | Topics |
RRB NTPC main syllabus for Current Affairs/General Awareness | Economics, Current Affairs, Geography, History, Polity, Computers, Sports, Literature, Awards, Books & Authors, and Miscellaneous |
RRB NTPC stage 2 syllabus for General Science | Environment, Living Organism, Life Processes in Organisms & Plants, Heredity & Evolution, Natural Resources, Atoms & Molecules, Chemical Reactions & Equations, Acid, Bases & Salts, Metals & Non-Metals, Periodic Table, Force & Laws of Motions, Work & Energy, Sound, Light, Electricity, Sources of Energy, Diseases, Reasons & Cure, Improvement in Food Resources |
RRB NTPC Exam Pattern
The RRB NTPC exam pattern includes CBT 1, CBT 2, CBAT, typing test, document verification, medical test, and final selection. CBT 1 and CBT 2 include questions from General Awareness, Maths, and General Intelligence & Reasoning. CBT 1 includes 100 questions while CBT 2 includes 120 questions.
RRB NTPC CBT 1 Exam Pattern
Sections | Number of Questions |
General Awareness | 40 |
Mathematics | 30 |
General Intelligence and Reasoning | 30 |
Total | 100 |
RRB NTPC CBT 2 Exam Pattern
Sections | Number of Questions |
General Awareness | 50 |
Mathematics | 35 |
General Intelligence and Reasoning | 35 |
Total | 120 |
Computer-Based Aptitude Test and Typing Test
CBAT is conducted to recruit Station Master and Traffic assistants while Typing Skill Test is held to recruit Junior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Time Keeper, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, and Senior Time Keeper.
In CBAT, the candidates will be provided with test batteries including six tests as per the posts. In typing tests, candidates must be able to type 30 words per minute in English or 25 WPM in Hindi on the computer without using editing tools and a spell check facility.
Document Verification Phase
The candidates equal to the number of vacancies are called for document verification. Candidates equal to 50% of the number of vacancies for various posts are called for document verification.
Medical Test
Before the final selection process, candidates need to undergo a medical test. However, those who have applied for railway administration must appear for a physical examination. Visual Acuity Standard is given due importance in the medical test.
RRB NTPC is one of the most famous railway exams conducted to recruit candidates for the post of non-technical popular category posts. The question paper includes CBT 1, CBT 2, CBAT, typing test, document verification, medical test, and final selection.
CBT 1 and CBT 2 include questions from General Awareness, Maths, and General Intelligence & Reasoning. CBT 1 includes 100 questions while CBT 2 includes 120 questions.
Here in this post, we have explained the complete RRB NTPC syllabus in detail. We hope that you find the information useful.
Good luck!