Difference Between Humble And Humility

Humble and humility are similar words with similar meanings, and people often get confused about their implications. Both words are a way to express the modesty of an individual or their importance. Firstly, the basic difference between the two is that humble is used as an adjective. On the other hand, humility is used as a noun.

Difference between Humble and Humility

Let us dive into the topic and gain clarity to understand the difference.

Humble – Meaning

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, humble means:

  • Not thinking of yourself as better than other people,
  • Given or said in a way that shows you do not think you are better than other people
  • Showing that you do not think of yourself as better than other people

Humble is used to showcase your or another person’s modesty. Here is a list of some examples that showcase the usage of this adjective:

  • Despite being the top actress she is extremely humble
  • He is the richest businessman in the country, yet so humble.
  • He has given me the most humble suggestions.
  • She works with at most humbleness.

Moreover, the word humble can also be used in some different situations. For instance, while referring to a low rank, or position, or even background of an individual. Take a look at some examples:

  • He comes from a humble background
  • She cherishes her humble beginnings

Now, moving on to our next segment.

Humility – Meaning

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, humility means the ‘quality or state of not thinking you are better than other people or the quality or state of being humble’.

Humility implies a state where an individual is void of pride or arrogance in his behavior. It contains the person and keeps them away from overconfidence. Therefore, it is a good quality that an individual must possess.

We have curated a list of some examples to show the usage of this noun:

  • She accepted the rewards with the utmost humility
  • he is a man of humility and modesty.
  • The newly appointed minister held her position with humility
  • After becoming successful, they completely lost their humility
  • His arrogance blocked his humility

What is the difference between Humble and Humility – Highlight Table

Aspect Humble Humility
Definition “Humble” refers to having a modest or low view of one’s importance, often accompanied by a willingness to put others before oneself. “Humility” refers to the quality of being humble, characterized by a modest or unassuming attitude and a willingness to acknowledge one’s limitations and flaws.
Behavior A humble person may exhibit behaviors such as showing deference to others, avoiding boasting or self-promotion, and being open to feedback and criticism. Humility is more about a person’s internal disposition or mindset. A humble individual may demonstrate humility through acts of service, empathy, and a lack of arrogance or pride.
Attitude Humbleness often involves an outward expression or display of modesty, whether in speech, actions, or demeanor. Humility is more intrinsic and reflects an inner state of being. A genuine sense of modesty, self-awareness, and a lack of ego characterizes it.
Recognition Being humble may involve recognizing one’s achievements or abilities but downplaying them in favor of recognizing the contributions of others or the role of luck or circumstances. Humility involves recognizing strengths and weaknesses with equal measure without seeking validation or external praise.
Relation to Others A humble person may choose to humble themselves to others, acknowledging their worth and treating them with respect and kindness. Humility extends beyond interactions with others and encompasses a broader self-awareness and acceptance of one’s place in the world.


As you can see, there is a very minor difference between the two terms. One is an adjective, while the other is a noun.

We hope that this article helps you to gain clarity about the topic and resolve the ambiguities.

Happy Learning!

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