Explained: Neanderthal vs Homosapien

The major distinction between Homosapien and Neanderthal is that Homosapien are modern humans who live in today’s life, while Neanderthal is an extinct species. Though Homosapien and Neanderthal share a few similarities, there are a few structural differences between the two.

For example, the Neanderthal had stronger and larger bodies while the homo sapiens were more intelligent. Both Homosapiens and Neanderthal are the species in human evolution and share the same ancestors.

Here, we have explained the similarities and differences between the Homosapiens and Neanderthal.

Did you know that Homo Neanderthalensis is the scientific name for Neanderthals?

Who Is Homosapien?

Homosapien or Homo sapiens are modern human beings living today. Since homo sapiens are clear and have good knowledge compared to other homo groups and other species, they are known as “wise humans.” Homosapien species evolved 200,000 years ago in Africa.

Moreover, their body skeleton is lighter when compared to early homo groups. Although most of them have large brains, the brain size differs from one person to another and among the males and females.

Who Is Neanderthal?

Neanderthals are known as archaic men who lived 250,000-400,000 years back. The scientific names for Neanderthals are Homo neanderthlensis or Home Sapiens Neanderthalensis.

These species lived in Europe and Western Asia. There are also fossil records and stone tools available which describe their existence and extinction. Since they have lived in the European region, they were prone to cold weather and were strong enough compared to the Homosapiens.

Many physical characteristics differentiate Neanderthal from Homosapiens. Neanderthal species had large body sizes, short limbs, not very intelligent when compared to Homosapiens. Moreover, the female and male Neanderthals had the same height.

Similarities Between Homosapien And Neanderthal

Here are some of the similarities between Homosapien and Neanderthal:

  • Homosapiens and Neanderthal share similar DNAs.
  • Both the species belong to Homo.
  • Homosapiens and Neanderthal have common ancestors of around 7,00,000 years ago.

Comparison: Homosapien vs Neanderthal

Basis Homosapien Neanderthal
Definition Homosapiens are modern-day men. Neanderthal is the archaic man.
Scientific Names Homo sapiens Homo sapiens neanderthalensis
Living vs. Extinct Living Species Extinct Species
Body Size Smaller in body size Larger in size when compared to Homosapiens
Height Taller than Neanderthals Shorter when compared to Homosapiens
Limbs Long limbs Short limbs
Bones Soft bones Thicker bones
Humerus Symmetrical humerus Asymmetrical humerus
Shape of Chest Normal shaped chest Barrel-shaped chest
Metacarpals Metacarpals are thin Thick metacarpals
Strengths Weaker when compared to Neanderthals Stronger


Homosapiens and Neanderthals belong to the same group of species known as Homo. Homosapien are modern-day humans, while the Neanderthals belonged to the medieval period. Although they have a few similarities, they have different structural characters. However, when it comes to thinking and intelligence, Homosapiens are more intelligent, while Neanderthals are strong and have large body shapes and sizes.

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