OCD Full Form | What is the Full Form of OCD?

OCD is the abbreviated form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.


OCD is a common disorder seen among people nowadays. It is basically an anxiety disorder wherein the person experiences unwanted and recurring negative emotions, and is compelled to perform the same tasks again and again.

OCD Full-Form | Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Though the person may realize that the thoughts and the compulsive that they are having are irrational, they may not help themselves. They will keep doing it, as they can’t resist themselves.

A person who has OCD, may not be able to get a particular thought out of their head. A very simple example that can be stated is that, if a person is suffering from OCD, he or she may have a tendency to check if the main door is locked or not at least 10 times.

OCD Symptoms 

This article is not only about the full form of OCD, but it also contains all the necessary information about OCD.

The symptoms of OCD can be divided into two parts:

  1. Compulsions
  2. Obsessions

Majority of the people who have OCD exhibit both compulsions and obsessions. There are a few who experience either of these. Let’s look into each of these symptoms separately.

Obsession Symptoms

The symptoms of obsessions are repeated unwanted thoughts, images or urges. These are very repetitive, and thus become a source of distress and anxiety. Its symptoms are:

  • Over focused on religious beliefs and ideas.
  • Flashing images of one hurting themselves or someone they love.
  • Unwanted fear of losing things or not having things that are required.
  • Constant doubts and rechecking of actions, for example, switching the AC off, locking the door, etc.
  • Fear of being contaminated by the touch of the person.
  • Flashing unpleasant sexual images causing stress.

Compulsion Symptoms

These symptoms majorly comprise of compulsive behavior that is repetitive and people do it to reduce the anxiety that is caused by the obsession. Below are the symptoms:

  • Arranging things in a proper manner.
  • Tapping or counting things only in one particular manner.
  • Checking the door if it is locked or not repeatedly.
  • Check appliances such as stove, washing machine constantly to make sure it is switched off.
  • Washing hands until the skin feels fresh.
  • Constantly checking on loved ones if they are fine or not.

Causes of OCD

The reason why some people have OCD and others don’t hasn’t been found yet. Till now only genetic and environmental factors are seen to be reasons behind OCD.


So this was all about OCD, its symptoms, and the causes behind this disorder. This mental illness can affect a person’s personal and professional life. OCD is curable, and its symptoms should not be ignored. One should consult the doctor and get proper treatment or medication to cure OCD. If you have any query or doubt regarding this disorder then do write to us through the comments section, we would help you out.

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