Difference Between GET and POST Method in PHP

Difference between GET and POST method in PHP

If you are a part of the IT ecosystem, you must have heard about the programming language PHP.

PHP is a server-side scripting language primarily used in web development. Several methods are used to communicate between the client and the server. The GET method sends information and appends it to the page request, while the POST method sends information through the HTTP header.

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What Is The Difference Between Make And Made?

Difference between make and made

As you know, there are several verbs in the English language. Make and made are some of the verbs as well. Both these terms may leave you in confusion at times. The primary difference between the two is that ‘make’ is used in the present tense while ‘made’ is used in the past tense. However, made is sometimes used as an adjective too.

To gain clarity over the topic, this article will solve your ambiguities and clear the concept.

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Difference Between Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph

Difference between Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph

Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph are three different body types. The major differences between these categories are body size and structure.

In general, genetics, lifestyle, and history are the most vital factors in determining our body type. Disciplined exercise and dieting can help individuals change their body types. It is a continuous process that requires determination and willpower.

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Difference Between Hope and Dream

Difference Between Hope and Dream

We generally use dreams and hope when discussing our desires or aims. A dream is usually an ambition that you cherish or imagine. Hope is a desire or expectation of a specific thing to take place.

People make a physical effort to fulfill a dream. On the other hand, there is no involvement or physical intervention when you are hoping for something.

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Difference Between I Love You And Love You


Love is a sensitive emotion and there are several ways to convey it. Different people have different forms of expression for their loved ones. One of the most profound ways is to express it with the most used phrases, ‘I love you’, or ‘love you’. Both of them may sound the same but have a huge difference and impact on others!

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Difference Between Feet and Foot

Difference between feet and foot

There are a lot of instances where you may see yourself stuck while using these two words. Although, it is quite understood that foot is the singular noun whereas feet is plural.

However, there are several other usages of the word ‘foot’. That’s why people are ambiguous sometimes. You must have heard about the unit of measurement known as ‘foot’. Wherein, one foot is equal to 12 inches. The plural of this unit is also termed as ‘feet.’

As you can see, the multiple meanings of these terms can often leave people ambiguous. This article will help you to resolve this confusion and gain clarity.

Let’s begin!

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Difference Between Had and Have

Difference between have and had

Generally, you may face ambiguities while using Had and Have. To resolve this confusion, you have found the right place.

In the English language, Had and Have are two auxiliary verbs. Both these verbs are used in different tenses. These two verbs, have and had, fall under auxiliary verbs. Simply put, Had is the past perfect tense, whereas, Have is the present perfect tense.

This is the most vital difference between these two forms of verbs.

Now, let us dig deeper and understand the concept with the help of examples.

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Difference Between Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Amino Acids

Difference between hydrophilic and hydrophobic amino acids

When we talk about amino acids, we consider them the foundation of proteins. Protein is a polymer molecule that is vital for all living organisms on Earth.

Now, amino acids are bifurcated into two categories namely:

  • Essential amino acids
  • Non-essential acids

Furthermore, based on their physicochemical nature, they are further divided into two sections:

  • Hydrophobic Amino Acids
  • Hydrophilic Amino Acid

The key factor of their difference is polarity!

Let’s understand these two terms in detail.

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Difference Between Protic and Aprotic Solvents

Difference between protic and aprotic solvents

If you are or have been a science student, you must know about solvents. If not, we are here to explain most easily.

Solvents are a heterogeneous group used to dilute or disperse other compounds. There are various kinds of solvents bifurcated into two groups, namely polar and non-polar solvents. The polar solvents are further categorized into two groups:

  • Protic Solvents
  • Aprotic Solvents

In this article, we will significantly elaborate on the meaning of these terms and understand them.

Let’s begin!

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Mig Welder Job Description, Skills, Duties & Education

Mig Welder Job Description

MIG welders often work in factories and construction sites with hand-held machinery for relatively long hours. It means stamina is a necessity for workers. There’s no leeway for error when it comes to welding.

If your professional senses tingle at something deliberate and hands-on, MIG welding may be the job for you. Under the many categories of welding, Metal Inert Gas (MIG) welding is one of the most commonly used formats. It is also a subtype of Glass Metal Arc Welding (GMAW).

This method uses heat produced by the arc formed between the metal electrode and workpiece. Furthermore, the arc welding process uses a continuous solid wire electrode in the weld gun. MIG welders work on projects using the electric arc and inert gas.

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