What is Leadership? Definition, Example, & Traits

When you search on the internet, you get multiple leadership definitions. Every leader defines leadership differently based on the approach they lead their team or organization. For some, it means creating a vision, inspiring the team, and achieving it. Others place a greater emphasis on human traits like empathy, honesty, and humility.

Well, with various definitions, the Oxford dictionary defines it more succinctly – “The action of leading a group of people or organization”. Though the definition seems simple, developing and mastering it is fiendishly complex.

If you enjoy leading your team at your workplace and think of developing leadership, I suggest you grasp the term well.

Well, this article explains to you what leadership is and its different aspects.

What is Leadership?

It is the art of influencing or motivating others to achieve their goals or something better. It is the potential, capacity, or ability to influence others to attain their objectives. Also, it is a quality that binds a group of people geared toward a particular aim.

When it comes to business, it refers to setting a vision, establishing achievable goals, equipping team members with the required knowledge and resources, and encouraging them to reach the goal. It involves directing team members and helping them know how to perform their responsibilities efficiently.

Moreover, it is concerned with taking risks and making informed decisions whenever required without the fear of failure.

Simply said, leadership is about establishing an example for the team members by being enthusiastic about your job, driven to learn new things, and willing to provide a hand when needed.

Components of Leadership

Effective leadership requires a strong character with honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, and ethics. It also requires excellent communication skills, listening actively to others, and responding to queries and concerns.

Additionally, leaders must envision what can happen in the future, adapt to the latest industry trends, and take risks to grow a company. They spread positive energy and show optimism toward their members. Also, they create backup plans and strive to produce maximum results efficiently.

Leadership Example

Jack Welch, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs are influential leaders who transformed their industries and left their impact on the world.

As a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of General Electric Co., Jacl Welch has demonstrated leadership. At the time of his retirement, the market value of General Electric Co. was $505 billion, while it was $12 billion initially.

Welch suggested everyone in his company adapt to the changing world and trends. To maximize the results and growth of the company, he asked employees to reinvent themselves.

Further, he hired managers packed with energy to manage and motivate employees to achieve the vision of GE. These managers shaped and refined ideas for the future and outlined the ways to turn them into reality. In addition, they worked with employees side-by-side to understand what they do and the issues they face.

Under Welch’s leadership, managers and employees worked together and achieved their vision of customer satisfaction and increased profits from their products.

Leadership and Management

Many people often use both these terms interchangeably. Let me tell you, both are different. You can think of management as an essential trait of leadership.

A leader is a person who sets visions and guides and motivates followers to accomplish them. In contrast, a manager is one who makes sure the goal is being achieved.

Remember, anyone can be a leader, whether it is an organization or politics. Being a leader is not limited to any title or personal attributes. One who can change a specific situation by making visionary and strategic decisions can be a leader.

In a nutshell, you don’t need any fancy organizational titles to be a leader. You can become one if you know how to influence others to maximize their effort toward achieving their goals.

What Makes a Good Leader?

Almost every aspect of society has leaders, from politics and business to region and community-based organizations.

Key traits that set quality leaders apart from others are:

  • Inspiration: Great leaders are self-motivating and use it to influence others. They help team members understand their roles and goals and guide them to achieve them.
  • Communication Skills: Obviously, communication skill is a significant trait of leadership. With excellent communication skills, leaders communicate with their followers, share their failures and successes to inspire them, and maintain transparency.
  • Visionary: They are very clear about their visions, i.e., what they need and how to achieve them. With their communication skills, they share those visions with their team members.
  • Spirit of Never Giving Up: Leaders have their own way of solving problems. If they find anything complicated, they don’t easily give up; instead, they find an alternative way to do it.
  • Empathy: Being emotional and empathetic helps leaders connect with the team members and understand and address their problems.
  • Objective: Being empathetic with team members is exemplary. However, a leader must be objective while making business decisions.
  • Creative: No doubt a leader should always be creative. They think out of the box and make their followers do so. Also, they are open to new ideas and possibilities.
  • Patient: Patience plays a significant role in leadership. As a good leader, you must be patient in terms of results. Any strategy takes time to formulate and yield results. Patience and continuous improvement are two primary aspects of a quality leader.


Leadership is not about the titles in an organization like CEO; instead, it is about ethics and beliefs. There is no rigid way of leadership, and it varies from leader to leader depending on how they guide and motivate others.

Becoming a leader is not an overnight journey; instead, the process requires you to go through learnings and experiences. Though the style may differ, the key traits remain the same. So, ensure to develop those qualities and becomes an excellent leader.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the traits of an effective leader?

A few key traits of an effective leader are excellent communication skills, motivating and influencing others, active listening, willingness to learn, openness to adapt to changes, and being visionary and creative.

2. What is a leadership style?

It is a pattern the leaders follow to encourage and guide their team members to meet specific goals, make business decisions, and maximize the growth of an organization.

3. What are the different leadership styles?

The different leadership styles include democratic, autocratic, strategic, Laissez-faire, transformational, transactional, bureaucratic, and coach-style.

4. What are the negative traits of a leader?

Not everyone is perfect, and this applies to some leaders as well. They, too, have some negative qualities. A few include anger, impatience, inconsistency, incompetence, micro-managing, and rudeness.

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