10 Must-Read Mystery Books for Kids

Mystery Books for Kids

Undoubtedly, reading books is one of the best habits to imbibe – whether for kids or adults. According to a pediatrician’s study, 80% of children reading books daily had development in specific areas of the brain. Generally, kids do not like reading books. Surrounded by mobile phones, tablets, and televisions, children are more inclined to … Read more

10 Best Leadership Examples to Read

Leadership Examples

Anyone can be a boss, but only a few are leaders! Yes, there is a huge difference between a boss and a leader. Leaders guide their teams toward success and reward their failures instead of playing the blame game. On the other hand, a boss may overpower and pressure the team members and boast about … Read more

Leadership vs Management – Know the Key Differences

Leadership vs Management

Leadership vs Management is a longstanding debate. These terms are often used interchangeably. Though there are a few similarities between leaders and managers, there are significant differences. The primary difference between leadership and management lies in the definition. The former is the art of influencing, motivating, and encouraging people to put efforts into achieving the … Read more

How to Become a Leader? | Learn Leadership Skills

How to become a Leader

When I hear the term leader, great personalities flash across my mind. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Tim Cook, Jeff Bezos, and so many more! They are business leaders who have encouraged many people to achieve their dreams. Effective leadership is what made these leaders stand out. To become a great leader, you don’t have to … Read more

What is Leadership? Definition, Example, & Traits

What is Leadership

When you search on the internet, you get multiple leadership definitions. Every leader defines leadership differently based on the approach they lead their team or organization. For some, it means creating a vision, inspiring the team, and achieving it. Others place a greater emphasis on human traits like empathy, honesty, and humility. Well, with various … Read more

10 Different Types Of Leadership

Types of Leadership

Every field requires a leader for guidance. Leaders are responsible for managing and guiding their teams to accomplish targets. Every leader is different and holds a different approach. Due to that, there are many types of leadership. An effective leadership style is measured by how much the followers trust them. If your team trusts you, … Read more

10 Must-Have Leadership Skills, Characteristics and Qualities

Leadership skills

Whenever I come across the term ‘leadership’, I remember a great thought of a renowned personality, John Quincy Adams, the sixth president of the United States. “If your actions inspire others to dream, learn, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” There have been so many great leaders that have left long-lasting impressions … Read more

10 Best Paying Jobs in Energy That You Must Know

Best Paying Jobs in Energy

Energy is an essential aspect of daily life. Everything is powered by energy; vehicles, gadgets, lights, devices, appliances, etc. Hence, the world requires experts in the energy sector to make intelligent energy-related decisions. The energy sector is huge, and there are various departments in it. However, not many are aware of this, but there are … Read more

10 Best True Crime Books To Read In 2024

Best true crime books

True crime rules our lives. There are podcasts, television shows, series, movies, and books! Many people love watching movies or reading books of suspense or thriller genres. All such stories depict criminal minds, detectives, and an exciting plot. In addition, they are jittery but also give readers anticipation at the same time. Some of them … Read more