What is Difference Between JEE Main and JEE Advanced?

The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main and JEE Advanced are two national-level exams that serve as gateways for students aspiring to study at India’s top engineering institutions. These exams hold significant importance for engineering aspirants, as they determine admission to prestigious programs across the country.          

JEE Main is the first step in this process and is required for admission to government-funded technical colleges such as the National Institutes of Technology (NITs) and Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs). On the other hand, JEE Advanced Exam is the next level of examination, primarily for students aiming to secure a seat in the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). 

Difference Between JEE Main and JEE Advanced

Both exams are similar and interrelated. However, there are a few differences. Here in this post, we have listed them. 

JEE Main vs JEE Advanced: Key Difference Highlights

Criteria JEE Main JEE Advanced
Total Number of Attempts 3 (Attempting all two sessions of the same year is counted as 1) 2
Language English, Hindi, and Gujarati English and Hindi
Eligibility Criteria 12th class from a recognised government school Ranked among the top 2,50,000 JEE Main rank holders
Conducting Authority National Testing Agency (NTA) Different IITs for different years
Total Number of Papers 3 2
Exam Mode CBT (Computer-based Test) CBT (Computer-based Test)
Types of Questions MCQs, Drawing, Numerical Type Questions MCQs and Numerical Type Questions
Language of Exam English, Hindi, Gujarati English and Hindi
Duration of Exam 3 Hours 3 Hours
Total Number of Attempts Students can participate in the JEE Main examination for 3 consecutive years. The exam is conducted twice a year. The candidates are only allowed to attempt the examination two times in two consecutive years.

Difference in Eligibility Criteria

Candidates who want to appear for the exam must fulfill the eligibility criteria. We have tabulated the same below:

1. JEE Main Eligibility Criteria

Particulars  Details 
Education Qualification Candidates who have cleared class 12 in 2024 or 2023, or appear for the class 12 exam this year or have cleared the equivalent exam, can apply for the JEE Main.
Number of Attempts  The maximum limit to appear for JEE Main is 3 times. The exam is conducted two times a year.
Subjects  The eligibility criteria are different for each course. Here are the course-wise subjects:

B.Tech/B.E: Physics, Maths, and Biology/Biotechnology/Chemistry/Technical Vocational subject)

B.Arch: Maths, Physics, and Chemistry

B.Plan: Maths

Age Limit There is no age limit for candidates who want to appear for JEE Main exam.

2. JEE Advanced Eligibility Criteria

Particulars Details
Education Qualification The candidates should have cleared the class 12 exam in 2023 or appear for the exam in 2024 can appear for the exam.
Number of Attempts You can appear for the exam only two times in two consecutive years.
Age Limit Candidates in the general category should be born on or after October 1st, 1996. However, there is a relaxation of 5 years for candidates belonging to the SC/ST/PwD category.

Difference in Exam Pattern

Candidates appearing for both exams must know the exam pattern in detail. It includes the number of questions, mode of exam, total duration of exam, marking scheme, etc.

1. JEE Main Exam Pattern

The Exam is held in three papers. The complete exam pattern is tabulated below:

Specifications Exam Pattern for B.E./B.Tech Exam Pattern for B.Arch Exam Pattern for B. Planning
Exam Mode CBT Mathematics and Aptitude- CBT Mode Drawing- Pen and paper mode CBT
Subjects Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics Aptitude test, Mathematics and Drawing Mathematics, Aptitude Test, and Planning Based Objective Type
Type of Questions 60 MCQs + 15 Questions for which answer is a Numerical Value) Maths- 20 MCQs + 5 Questions for which answer is a Numerical Value + Aptitude- 50 MCQ + Drawing- 2 Questions Maths- 20 MCQs + 5 (]Questions for which answer is a Numerical Value + Aptitude- 50 MCQs + Planning Based Objective Type- 25 MCQs
Medium of Exam English and Hindi (All Centre Cities) English, Hindi, and Gujarati (Centre Cities in Gujarat, Daman & Diu, and Dadra & Nagar Haveli) English and Hindi (All Centre Cities) English, Hindi, and Gujarati (Centre Cities in Gujarat, Daman & Diu, and Dadra & Nagar Haveli) English and Hindi (All Centre Cities) English, Hindi, and Gujarati (Centre Cities in Gujarat, Daman & Diu, and Dadra & Nagar Haveli)
Duration of Exam 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 Hours
Total Marks 300 400 400
Marking Scheme For MCQs: +4 for each correct response; -1 for each incorrect response; Unattempted questions will not be marked.

For Non-MCQs: +4 for each correct response. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers or unattempted questions.

For MCQs: +4 for each correct response; -1 for each incorrect response; Unattempted questions will not be marked.

For Non-MCQs: +4 for each correct response, no negative marking for incorrect answers or unattempted questions.

For Drawing Test: 2 questions of 100 marks

For MCQs: +4 for each correct response; -1 for each incorrect response; Unattempted questions will not be marked.

For Non-MCQs: +4 for each correct response, no negative marking for incorrect answers or unattempted questions.

2. JEE Advanced Exam Pattern

The question paper includes Paper I and Paper II. Here is the updated JEE Advanced Exam pattern:

Specifications Paper 1 Exam Pattern Paper 2 Exam Pattern
Exam Mode CBT CBT
Subjects Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics
Type of Questions MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) Numerical type Questions
Medium of Exam English and Hindi English and Hindi
Duration of Exam 3 Hours 3 Hours


1. JEE Main Syllabus            

The JEE Main exam syllabus includes topics from class 11 and class 12 Physics, Chemistry, and Maths. Topics like Electromagnetic Waves and Communication Systems, Electronic Devices, etc. are asked in JEE Main and not in JEE Advanced.     

Similarly, some maths topics like Sets, Relations, and Functions, Statistics and Probability, Maths Reasoning, and Trigonometry are asked in Main and not in JEE Advanced.

2. JEE Advanced Syllabus

Unlike the JEE Main syllabus, the JEE Advanced syllabus includes a few topics apart from the Class 11 and 12 syllabus. For example- topics like Thermal Physics, Electrochemistry, etc. are asked in JEE Advanced and are not included in the Main exam. 

Difficulty Levels

Both exams are different, and their difficulty level depends on the candidate’s preparation level. Here are a few things you need to know about the difficulty levels of these exams:

1. JEE Main Difficulty Level

The JEE Main exam is easier than the JEE Advanced exam. This exam’s main aim is to analyze students’ knowledge of topics in class 11 and 12.

2. JEE Advanced Difficulty Level

Since this exam includes topics apart from Class 11 and Class 12 syllabus, it is considered the most difficult exam compared to the JEE Main exam.


Both exams are two different and most popular exams for getting admission into engineering colleges. While NTA conducts JEE Main to provide admission to government-aided colleges, JEE Advanced is conducted by the IITs.

The JEE Main Syllabus includes topics from classes 11 and 12 Physics, Chemistry, and Maths. However, JEE Advanced question paper also includes topics from the class 11 and 12 syllabus. 

We hope that the information helps you understand the topic better!

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FAQs – Difference Between JEE Main and JEE Advanced

1. What is JEE Main and JEE Advanced?

JEE Main and JEE Advanced are both national-level entrance exams in India for admission to undergraduate engineering programs at prestigious institutions like the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), National Institutes of Technology (NITs), and other top engineering colleges.

2. What is the primary difference between JEE Main and JEE Advanced?

The main difference lies in their purpose and difficulty level. JEE Main is the first stage of the Joint Entrance Examination and serves as a screening test for admission to various undergraduate engineering programs across India. On the other hand, JEE Advanced is the second stage and is conducted for admission specifically to the IITs.

3. Who conducts JEE Main and JEE Advanced?

JEE Main is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA), while JEE Advanced is organized by one of the IITs on a rotational basis.

4. What is the exam frequency for JEE Main and JEE Advanced?

JEE Main is conducted twice a year, usually in January and April, whereas JEE Advanced is held once a year.

5. What is the exam mode for JEE Main and JEE Advanced?

JEE Main is primarily a Computer-Based Test (CBT), although a pen-and-paper-based test (PBT) is conducted for the Drawing section in BArch. JEE Advanced is conducted in online mode.

6. What courses are offered via these entrance exams?

JEE Main offers admission to undergraduate courses like BE/BTech, BArch, and BPlan, while JEE Advanced is exclusively for BE/BTech programs in the IITs.

7. What is the eligibility criterion for appearing in JEE Main and JEE Advanced?

Eligibility for JEE Main is based on completing high school, while for JEE Advanced, candidates need to clear JEE Main and meet additional eligibility criteria set by the organizing institute.

8. What is the difference in the exam pattern and duration between JEE Main and JEE Advanced?

The exam duration, number of papers, and marking scheme differ between the two exams. JEE Main typically has one paper for BE/BTech and additional papers for BArch and BPlan, each with different durations and total marks. JEE Advanced usually consists of two papers, each three hours long.

9. How do the colleges accepting the exam scores differ between JEE Main and JEE Advanced?

JEE Main scores are accepted by various engineering colleges across India, including NITs, IIITs, and other state-level institutions. In contrast, JEE Advanced scores are accepted only by the IITs and a few other institutes.

10. What is the difficulty level between JEE Main and JEE Advanced?

JEE Advanced is generally considered more challenging than JEE Main, with questions that require a deeper understanding of concepts and problem-solving skills.

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