Best SSC CPO Books For Exam Preparation [Section-Wise]

The Short Service Commission (SSC) conducts the SSC CPO exam to recruit candidates for the post of Sub Inspectors in the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs), Delhi Police, and Assistant Sub Inspector in Central Industrial Security Forces (CISF), and other Inspector and Sub Inspector posts.

Due to the attractive pay scale and allowances, lakhs of candidates apply for these posts every year. There are approximately two thousand to three thousand seats every year, hence, the competition is tough.

Best SSC CPO Books

In addition, seats are reserved for particular categories and genders. Choosing the right books for preparation becomes vital in exams like these, where the odds are stacked against us. It can make or break your career.

What is SSC CPO Exam?   

The SSC CPO exam is a national-level test that the Staff Selection Commission(SSC) administers for candidates interested in joining the Central Police Organization(CPO). The eligible candidates are selected for the post of Sub-Inspector(SI) for Delhi Police and Central Armed Police Forces(CAPF).

SSC CPO Exam Pattern

The exam is conducted in four different phases:

Phase 1 Paper-1 ( a 2-hour objective-type question paper, which has the following subjects- Quantitative Aptitude, General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Knowledge and Awareness, and English Comprehension)
Phase 2 Physical efficiency test
Phase 3 Paper-II ( a 2-hour descriptive English test)
Phase 4 Medical test ( compulsory for all the aspirants who have cleared the previous 3 phases)

Subject-Wise SSC CPO Exam Pattern

SSC CPO is among the highly competitive examinations in India. For appearing in the examination, you need to have the full knowledge of the right Exam preparation books. Before that, you must know about the subjects and marks associated with them. Here is the SSC CPO subject-wise marks distribution.

Paper I Exam Pattern

SSC CPO Paper I Marks
Quantitative Aptitude 50
General Intelligence & Reasoning 50
General Knowledge & Awareness 50
English Comprehension 50

Paper-II Exam Pattern

SSC CPO Paper II Marks
English Language & Comprehension 200

This exam has two tiers and a PET/PST test. Tier 1 of the exam has two papers. In addition, paper 1 of the exam is 2 hours long and is divided into four sections:

  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • English Comprehension
  • General Intelligence and Reasoning
  • General Knowledge

All four sections carry equal weightage, and hence equal attention should be given to all. Here are the top ten books to prepare for the exam:

Best SSC CPO Books For 2025 (Subject-Wise)

Here are the best SSC CPO books for Quantitative Aptitude, General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Knowledge and Awareness, and English Comprehension.

Best Books for Quantitative Aptitude

In India, quantitative aptitude is an integrated component of aptitude tests. It assesses quantitative abilities as well as logical and analytical abilities. Solving these questions allows one to analyze their own managing strategies and problem-solving abilities. Here in this section, we will discuss the quantitative aptitude syllabus, important topics, the best books to prepare from, and important preparation tips.

Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus

Candidates need to answer 50 MCQs in Quant in the Paper I section of CPO. The topics are listed below

Whole Numbers Congruence Along With The Similarity Of Triangles
Decimals Circle And Its Chords
Fractions And Relationships Between Numbers Tangents
Percentage Angles Subtended By Chords Of A Circle
Ratio And Proportion Common Tangents To Two Or More Circles
Square Roots Triangle
Averages Quadrilaterals
Interest Regular Polygons
Profit & Loss Circle, Right Prism
Discount Right Circular Cone
Partnership Business Right Circular Cylinder
Mixture And Alligation Sphere
Time And Distance Hemispheres
Time & Work Rectangular Parallelepiped
Basic Algebraic Identities Of School Algebra Regular Right Pyramid With Triangular Or Square Base
Graphs Of Linear Equations Trigonometric Ratio
Triangle And Its Various Kinds Of Centres Degree And Radian Measures

Chapter-wise Weightage

Chapter Weightage( No. of questions)
Mixture Problems 1-2
Ratio Proportions 3-4
Number Systems 2-3
Simplification 4-5
Algebra 3-5
Profit and Loss 3-4
Percentage 1-2
Average 2-3
Time and work 1-3
Speed, Time and Distance 1-3
Mensuration 3-5
Simple Interest 2-4
Trigonometry 4-6
Geometry 3-5
Data Interpretations 4-5

Quantitative Aptitude Books

With the SSC CPO syllabus in your hand, you will now know which book will be the best choice for you. Here is the list of the books.

1. Fast Track Objective Arithmetic

Fast Track Objective Arithmetic

Author: Rajesh Verma
Latest Edition: 2018
Publisher: Arihant

As lakhs of aspirants compete for these seats, it is not just enough to solve the questions. You have to solve them quickly. For that, you need tricks and techniques; this book will equip you with those. Mainly arithmetic is time-consuming since it usually has lots of calculations. This book solves that problem by teaching you tricks and tips you can use to solve arithmetic faster than others.

The book first came out in 2012 and has been a bestseller ever since. Besides shortcut tricks for Arithmetic, the book also has fundamental formulae and methods for recent exam questions from geometry and trigonometry.

Some of the salient features of the book are:

  • Shortcuts to solve arithmetic quickly
  • Formulae and basics methods
  • Previous year questions

You can buy this book here.

2. SSC Advance Maths for SSC CGL, CPO SI, CHSL, and Other Competitive Exams – 2021/edition

SSC Advance Maths for SSC CGL, CPO SI, CHSL and Other Competitive Exams - 2021 edition

Author: Rakesh Yadav
Latest Edition: 2021
Publisher: Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication Pvt. Ltd.

This is a complete mathematics book suitable for many competitive exams like SSC CPO, SSC CGL, MTS, etc. The book is of intermediate level, so this might not be an excellent place to start if you are a complete novice. However, if you are well aware of the basic concepts, you can use this book to take your preparations to the next level.

The solved questions are explained in a simple and short way. It also provides the formulae which can further be used to quickly solve the questions. Many of the formulae will be found only in this book as they are generic. In addition, the book also gives access to video tutorials from the author, so you can look up the solution if you have any doubts.

Some of the reasons to buy this book are:

  • Covers the complete syllabus
  • Basic and advanced formulae provided
  • A good number of solved questions
  • Access to video lectures

You can buy this book here.

3. Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations

Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations

Author: RS Agarwal
Latest Edition: 2017
Publisher: S Chand Publishing

If you have only just heard about the SSC CPO exam and want to start your preparations from the basics- this is the book for you. The book has been in print for over two decades, yet is one of the top choices to learn Mathematics for competitive exams. It provides a chapter-wise theory of the syllabus, followed by solved questions and exercises.

The solved questions are elaborate and have a wide variety that helps you solve the unsolved questions. Another good thing about the book is it provides all the necessary formulae in one place.

Some of the reasons why this book is still so popular are:

  • Chapter-wise division of syllabus
  • Good number and variety of solved questions
  • Suitable for many competitive exams like CGL, MTS, CPO, etc
  • Free Testbook pass with this book

You can buy this book here.

Preparation Tips for Quantitative Aptitude

Following are the SSC CPO preparation tips for you to follow while preparing:

  1. It is a section that necessitates the use of problem-solving techniques and methods.
  2. For selection, you must excel in the quantitative section. This section necessitates knowledge and practice.
  3. Follow the NCERT maths books for classes 8th, 9th, and 10th at the start of your preparation.
  4. Algebra, Geometry, Coordinate Geometry, Trigonometry, and Mensuration all require extra attention in this subject.
  5. Create a chart with all of the formulas and hang it in your room. When you have the opportunity, go through the formulas again.
  6. To remember the formulas for a longer period of time, try to understand the logic behind them.
  7. Make an effort to devote more time to the more difficult topics.

Best Books for English Comprehension

The English section of the CPO 2022 Paper-I consists of 50 questions worth a total of 50 marks. It is a top-scoring section and all questions can be attempted within the given time frame.

English Comprehension Syllabus

Paper I consists of English Comprehension. The Exam syllabus of the topic is as follows:

Error Recognition Sentence Structure
Filling In The Blanks Synonyms
Vocabulary Antonyms
Spellings Sentence Completion
Grammar Phrases And Idiomatic Use Of Words

Chapter-wise weightage

Chapter Weightage ( No. of questions)
Idioms 3-4
Error Detection 4-6
Vocabulary 8-10
Close test 7-10
Reading Comprehension 6-10
Grammar Sections 9-10

Preparation Tips For English Comprehension

Applicants who follow the SSC CPO preparation suggestions, on the other hand, can do well in this portion. Here are some beforehand tips.

  1. To gain a basic understanding of English, candidates must read and comprehend a large amount of content, such as newspapers, novels, or magazines.
  2. Aspirants should read English newspapers on a daily basis in order to improve their vocabulary and grammar.
  3. Quizzes are a great way to practice English. Solving English quizzes and mock exams will help you become more familiar with the exam format.
  4. Pick up some standard books to help you prepare for the SSC CPO exam. Don’t go off on a tangent with books you’ve never heard of.

4. Objective General English

Objective General English

Author: SP Bakshi
Latest Edition: 2021
Publisher: Arihant Publications

If you end up buying just one book for English preparation, this should be the one. This comprehensive guide covers the complete syllabus for your exam and even has many valuable, additional information. The book has four parts:

  • Part A: Foundation Module,
  • Part B: Verbal Ability,
  • Part C: Sequence of Sentences, Objective Comprehensive,
  • Part D: Practical Grammar

It has a detailed description of the grammar rules. Each chapter also has a short synopsis, unsolved questions, and revision exercises. Moreover, it also presents previous year questions from many popular competitive exams.

Here’s why it should be your first choice for English preparation:

  • Covers the entire syllabus
  • Has additional information
  • Large number of solved questions
  • Previous year questions from many competitive exams

You can buy this book here.

5. Word Power Made Easy

Word Power Made Easy

Author: Norman Lewis
Latest Edition: 2015
Publisher: Penguin India

If you often have trouble finding synonyms, antonyms, and increasing your vocabulary in general, this is the book for you. It teaches you the root word or parent word and the several variations of that word. In this way, the author tries to increase your word power not by mere rote learning but through practice.

The new words are divided into thematic chapters, so one chapter only talks about personalities, one about the various kinds of doctors, so on and so forth.

This thematic division of chapters helps understand the meaning of new chapters. Also, as the chapters progress, you can see some words keep reappearing in the exercises repeatedly. This allows us to retain the latest words in our memory for longer.

Some of the reasons why this book is the best way to increase your word power:

  • Thematically divided chapters
  • Plenty of solved and unsolved exercises
  • Discusses common grammar mistakes
  • Provides the phonetics of each word

You can buy this book here.

Best Books for English Language & Comprehension [Paper II]

The English section of the SSC CPO 2022 Paper-II consists of 200 MCQs and a total of 200 marks. To be included in the final merit list, you must get cut-off marks in this exam. Here in this section, we will discuss the syllabus, important topics in it, the best books to prepare from, and important preparatory tips.

English Language & Comprehension Syllabus

The paper II of SSC CPO consists of English Language & Comprehension. The syllabus of the topic is as follows:

Error recognition Sentence Completion
Filling in the blanks Phrases and Idiomatic use of Words
Sentence Structure Comprehension
Synonyms & Antonyms

Chapter-wise weightage

Chapter Weightage( No. of questions)
Error recognition 15-20
Sentence Structure 20-25
Synonyms & Antonyms 25-30
Comprehension 40-50
Phrases and Idiomatic use of words 25-30
Sentence Completion 20-25

Best Books for English Language & Comprehension

Book Name Author/Publisher Price Buy Now
Objective General English RS Agarwal ₹ 440 Buy Now
Objective English for Competitive Examination Hari Mohan Prasad ₹ 500 Buy Now
High School Grammar and Composition Wren & Martin ₹ 313 Buy Now
Objective General English SP Bakshi ₹ 285 Buy Now
Word Power made Easy Norman Lewis ₹ 154 Buy Now

SSC CPO Preparation Tips for English Language & Comprehension

Applicants who follow the SSC CPO preparation suggestions, on the other hand, can do well in this portion. Here are some beforehand tips.

  1. Make sure you review your notes and all of the shortcuts, methods, formulas, and techniques you’ve already learned.
  2. Avoid starting new topics at the last minute because it will just confuse you.
  3. Last but not least, maintain your physical and mental condition by staying focused and sleeping well.
  4. Candidates must read and comprehend a substantial amount of content, such as newspapers, books, or magazines, in order to develop a fundamental comprehension of the English language.
  5. To improve their vocabulary and grammar, aspirants should read English newspapers on a daily basis.
  6. Quizzes are an excellent method to improve your English skills. English quizzes and mock examinations can assist you in becoming better acquainted with the exam structure.

General Intelligence and Reasoning Books

This subject is completely new to most students as it is not something you learn at school. However, with practice, you can easily master the subject. The following two books will prove to be very helpful to you in that endeavor.

6. A Modern Approach To Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning (2 Colour Edition

A Modern Approach To Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning (2 Colour Edition)

Author: RS Agarwal
Latest Edition: 2018
Publisher: S Chand Publishing

The reasoning is a scoring section of the exam, provided your basics are straightforward. A modern approach to verbal and non-verbal reasoning is one of the best books for beginners. The theory in all the chapters starts from scratch, so you need no prior knowledge of the topics. In addition, the vast number of solved questions is necessary as many students find reasoning overwhelming at the beginning.

There are also lots of unsolved questions to practice. The various topics have separate chapters that further have different types of questions labeled as Type1, Type 2, etc. This extensive discussion of topics and question types covers the syllabus for CPO and several other competitive exams like CGL, MTS, railway, etc.

Here’s why this book should be your first step to learning reasoning:

  • Chapter-wise discussion of topics
  • Different types of questions
  • A Large number of solved and unsolved problems
  • Previous year questions

You can buy this book here.

7. Analytical Reasoning (2018-2019) Session By Mk Panday

Analytical Reasoning (2018-2019) Session By Mk Panday

Author: MK Panday
Latest Edition: 2020
Publisher: Bsc Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd

While the reasoning book by RS Agarwal is suitable for beginners, this book is good for intermediates as well. Another area where this book excels in comparison to RS Agarwal is its excellent theory.

It teaches you the ‘how’ of analytical reasoning and the ‘why’. It provides elaborate explanations as to how to approach reasoning questions. Moreover, this guide has a chapter-wise discussion of the various topics.

It covers the entire syllabus of reasoning for this exam and various competitive exams, including Railways, CGL, MTS, etc.

Some reasons why this book is well worth your money and time:

  • Covers the entire syllabus
  • Suitable for many competitive exams
  • A vast number of solved and unsolved questions
  • A large variety of questions to practice

You can buy this book here.

General Knowledge Books

General knowledge is one subject that doesn’t take up much of your time. It can give you the maximum marks in the minimum time. The subject’s static and current affairs sections should be prepared separately, and each holds the same importance. The following two books are your best bet for that.

8. General Knowledge

General Knowledge

Author: Dr. Binay Karna, R. P. Suman, Manvendra Mukul, Renu Sinha, Sanjeev Kumar
Latest Edition: 2018
Publisher: Lucent Publication

Lucent’s general knowledge is one of the most exhaustive and complete books on the subject. It has the entire syllabus of Economics, History, Civics, Geography, Science, and some excellent miscellaneous topics as well. If you go through the book page by page, you won’t require any other book for General Knowledge, at least for the Static GK part.

For the general knowledge part of the exam, you need to go through the Science and Social Science books of classes 9 and 10. This book simplifies that process as you get all that information in one single book. It saves you from buying and studying a number of books.

Here are some reasons why this book is a favorite of students:

  • Covers the complete syllabus
  • The excellent miscellaneous section provides additional information
  • Current affairs of the previous year

You can buy this book here.

9. Panorama Year Book

Panorama Year Book Volume -1 2021 English

Author: Pratiyogita Darpan Editorial Team
Latest Edition: 2021
Publisher: Pratiyogita Darpan

Lucent is an excellent book for general studies but it does not cover current affairs. Since current affairs form a sizable chunk of the general studies you must not ignore it. Panorama Year Book gives you all the major national and international events of importance throughout the year. It covers the major events in the field of sports, environment, entertainment, Science, and Military.

It’s safe to say that if you go through the book page by page, you won’t be needing anything else to update you on the current affairs front. Here are some of the important features of this book:

  • Gives you the major events of the whole year
  • Covers the field of science, environment, economics, entertainment, and sports
  • Includes major award winners and sports events

Additional Books

To check your preparation, accuracy, and time management skills during exams, you need to solve practice papers and previous year’s papers. This book will help you with that in addition to online tests.

You can buy this book here.

10. Kiran SSC CAPFs (CPO) Solved Papers 2003 To 2019 English (2711)

Kiran SSC CAPFs (CPO) Solved Papers 2003 To 2019 English (2711)

Author: Think Tank of Kiran Prakashan, Pratiyogita Kiran , KICX
Latest Edition: 2019
Publisher: Kiran Prakashan

Before you think your preparation for the exam is all done, do practice from this book. It has solved papers from 2003-2019 for various exams, including CPO, CAPF, etc. Yes, there are several websites that provide the option of online exams to check your preparation, accuracy, and speed. But the level of questions is either higher or lower than the actual exam. This is why it is always advisable to practice from the previous year’s questions.

The purpose of studying this book is to give yourself a reality check. Check for yourself where you stand in your preparations and which topics require further studying.

Some of the reasons you should choose this book are:

  • The previous year’s papers fully solved
  • Contains various sets of the same exam
  • Topic-wise discussion of solved papers

You can buy this book here.


This concludes our article on the Best SSC CPO Books. All hopefuls must accomplish one thing: maintain their focus. No exam is difficult until you decide to crack it with complete focus and hard work. Make a concerted effort to clear the exam.

We hope our list of books will help you in preparing for CPO along with the suggested preparatory tips. Let us know in the comments below, that which book you choose to opt for your preparation.

Good luck!

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